
It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...

Context: [Nach oben] [YOUR CHOICE] [Arrogance] [Humanism] [Other-determined] [Self-determined] [Project]

Evolutionary Other-Determinedness of Human-Systems

It seems, with the intellectual duality unavoidable, to have to succumb to the wordy world in which you are nothing, your self just a myth; divided (?0<>*3, +2<>-4, %1<>ZG, %6<>%6) from it by its seemingly objective OPTION I personally-neutral#2 culture, to be ruled now under the Damocles sword of a a globalized economy. In this world, the only way you can really be wrong in its terms, is by thinking that one side of those "coins" of opinions and money, is absolutely right and the other one is absolutely wrong. For example, Lenin and Hitler, after Napoleon after the Ancient and the Middle Age Pope and Emperors, now the US oil empire, ?0-phantasized that their ?0-visions justified *3-enforcing it in the places they ?0-convinced their soldier, now also managers and their banking systems to *3-conquer for them to rule, now increasingly via the spin doctored media. Remember what happens when you are told not to think about a "purpel elefant"...

Actual Being
Desired Becoming
parameterized for 9Pp - me:

Life Fulfillment via parameterization beyond the mere ?0>*3 dead-end DNA/intellectual mutation and selection; me beginning with there with F2-what it takes to Cm multiply communication as a 12-PeopleMaster, qualifying for what is >2 good from me for all:




 POWER  in a label / symbolically mystical driven culture is based on ?0-illusions; when we see a cat, we react to its label, “cat” and the other way; having reacted *3-egoistically say to a cat, we defend that "self"-reaction with "cat"-talk and then react to any feedback up to fight - flight - shrinking in a vicious circle such as at last, in the last, ideologically terrible century. It should make as aware of our innate individuality; we are not of this world like we were not of the womb.

In this  wordy/personally-neutral world  of play – misunderstanding unrest war - mutual destruction: The still prevailing bronze age intellectually driven "humanitarian" systems are unfit to deal with chaos – migration – inefficiency. It has been enhanced above all in Europe especially in unofficial ways, in grass root movements with the lesson: 1) solidarity (partner, fellow human, shared ownership and decision, work together in dignity with pride - reinventing the nation approach; the problem pretending to be the solution) above charity (working for a beneficiary; right wing to the perpetrator, left-wing to the victims until they can top the former), 2) flexible funding (donor-receivers-real problem-crowd founding, subsidiary management up to the self-destructive anything goes), 3) innovative up-to-date responses corresponding to the digital age and social media beyond bronze-age philosophize hierarchies: Rather than building walls/laws/pre-trans-traps, hidden political agendas => task fulfillment valuing serving people => promoting self-reliance up to cyborgs with digital human facial and eye beyond "no eye - no soul" expression of emotions, able to tell stories => spin and artificial intelligence > replacing humanity in virtuality with robots. This is the intellectual evolution from people as their body, then their public story up to the self-programmed neuronal network, all, according the the president of the ETH-Zürich just a chemical-physical process of, technologically speaking soon an actually outdated biological life form ..

How about YOU

 surname family name:

* born:  *
desired language:

Your E-Mail:

*  (English/German) *
closest Partner:  family name surname: * born:  *  

In your conscience,

1) What percentage (%) of the ?0-assumed-symbolized-formalized basics, models, decisions, events and processes in your life (business, enterprise, life, relationships) go *3-WRONG, lead to unacceptable risks and have undesirable consequences (1-99%=self-destructive system):      %

Please make the above estimate reproducible

2) To what percentage do people insist to get TRUE factual information and guidelines in your scenario, before they themselves take ?0-formal responsibility and *3-(re)act accordingly ?
(1-99%=total regulation/defaulting to hierarchy and political correctness):                          %

Please indicate the nature of the other-deter-mindedness





 Return On Investment (money) towards +2 lust of more of the same and away from -4 stress. It's all a matter of accounting on various balances, spreadsheet and bank accounts and inner pre-judices - up to bubbles, financial crisis, worse; cannibalizing resources, shifting the blame, non-sustainable growth economy, inner and outer pollution, driven by +2 greed and
-4 fear of losing control,
attention, mass-attract-ivity, and *3-power, to fall back to the above self. To administer all that, society give as an

identity as a subject to handle objects...

In this  dualistic/binary world , everything is an adversarial example that asks for never complete explanations, lacking any substance of a self. The technology that stems from it is unfulfilling, incomplete, not efficient, unable to maintain itself, with no conscience, without concern. But it can amplifying the implementation, speed up and multiplying human thinking-; in itself, into human- and global-catastrophes. The corresponding intellectual system broke with it on Nov. 24, 2016. Its ownership concept of the 42-right wing politics (power to shape the world >4 peacefully overcoming what is otherwise >2 bad). The ZG-zeitgeist has become detached from value- towards profit responsibility, in its corruption it is misused against real people. The 31-left tries to  reclaim its >3 unsatisfying power with, according to Lenin & Co., even with >1 very bad victim power. It claims to understand how cure the illness of the ownership and money system (stock prices are now the outcome of supercomputer with Nanosecond deals of absent-, or merely speculative, non-responsible caring of the even medium-term consequences of succumbing people under empathy less control without connection and stuartship in the centralized global economy). ZG-Philosophy tends to see everything just as an ?0-illusion with the advantage over the previous archaic object/ *3-ego subject paradigm, that you can change it all, including one's identity as simply an avatar - anything goes. In short, I F2-do my best as a 20-PalancePriest to point out the >3 dissatisfying state of Om-multiplying objects; right and left are the two sides of eating up everything substantial in human entities. And this illness of the "scientifically" organized §3-prejudices dominate our world now up to redefining who you are in order to maintain the OPTION I Value-Creation Chain.

3) What percentage of RESPONSIBILITY within your scenario stems from the +2 expectation, concern or -4 fear in respect to the assumption of its future development ?
(1-99%=fully adequate consideration of relevant orientation knowledge):                           %

Please make the actual responsibility reproducible


4) What percentage What percentage of RESIGNATION, suppression, self-limitation and misunderstanding, but also arrogance and false superiorities, paralyse the creativity of yourself and those concerned with your scenario ? (1-99%=total suppression of human resources):           %

Please express the actual and imangined limitation








 Globalization  Where the mere ?0-label *3-ego-controlling the unlimited +2/-4 world is about to collapse, the intellect steps in with its %1-politically correct attempt to ride the ZG-zeitgeist as the ultimate leverage to controlling mankind, promising dignity. I am aware of what is >1 very bad in terms of how to serve#1 reframing people by man F2-doing my best to Oe-establish objectives to give what is >5 good about human life a personally relevant#3 chance...

In begins in  economy  with niche-Marketing based on a pre-trans-trapping bias about people which brings out their §3-worst with ideas/prejudice, seemingly worth spreading! Absentee owners (insurance, pension funds) formerly the nobility, then employed managers, evoke vicious circles that suck our money against usMedia: Cutting funds for quality research makes them serve hidden agenda and spin doctoring for clicks. Journalism is no longer providing unbiased information, (without proper journalism no criticism of power, no responsibility for the public, no fair competition of best arguments), and people lack relevant information to pass reasonable decisions. Even factual relationships require conscience without fear and mistrust about the new, to prevent retreating from democracy, which requires a well informed and interested electorate in the information flood. The prevailing business models do not encourage synergy, at best information sharing, and instead of a reader's OPTION II centered journalism about big debates, with %1-certificate-, +2 profit-, and %5-market centered qualification, mass-attractive %6-projections. However, professors and journalists should provide orientation about crucial issues for the future rather than spin; they have to suffer in making the former understandable, not the reader! Their "expedition into reality", require adequate independent financing such as crowd founding, and shared ownership in the still prevailing OPTION I system that otherwise does no longer work to serve people. Spin as initialized by Democritus with: "In truth there are only atoms and empty space...", does not help understanding and fulfilling real life in meaningful ways!

5) What percentage of the personally available INTEGRITY and civil courage of the those concerned have a real effect in formatting, organizing and managing the scenario you have in mind here ?
(1-99%=total integrity, transparency and coherence):                                                        %

Please describe the considered substance and basics

6) What percentage of DOUBT/uncertainty about the prevailing political correctness, compliance, philosophy, strategy, leadership and corporate identity of the entities in your scenario ?
(1-99%=post-normal critique for its own sake so that anything goes):                                  %

Please indicate the state of disruption on your world





%5-loop hole  net-working  towards
instrumentalization of the law in politics under, for OPTION I success up to %6-projecting a new trend as a substitute with the promise of some  human rights. If I let 11-people go on F2-doing what the Ce-established communication suggests and OPTION II being >3 unsatisfactory, I get a >1 very bad conscience in becoming part of F2-doing business as usual in also Oe-establishing my objectives pretending all is >5 good, yet in myself suppressing my own personally relevant#3 life

After the  collapse of OPTION I politics  on Nov. 24.2016, voice come up saying for example that "we" must fight bias-hate-violence by treating each other as books whose cover does not reflect the content about "our" being as a H3-reality/appearance towards becoming our H4-understanding of cause and action. Others want to detach money from OPTION I from leadership (2017 83% of Swiss said to be happy with their pay, but the effect of bonus is obscure for 53%; 70% think it %5-impacts %1-culture in undesirable way). Research show money managed innovation and team work,  has bad consequences, and becomes a burden for desirable performance. But people react +2/-4 sensitively to money and it marginalizes people to cost factors, scapegoats and criminals. The y-minimally necessary feedback is avoided, the M-maximal perspective unconsidered, and the possible B2-breahthroug in dealing with resources corrupted by ideologies and hypes such as
1) everything is measurable in content-free#1 ways,
2) can thus be rated, e.g. scored#2 with value judgment (1-ver by,...>6 very good), leaving people to fight, flight, and shrink,
3) can be obtained with reward and punishment => burnout.
In short we are still messed up by the bronze age philosophy such as Democritus, the so-called 1st scientist claiming it all a matter of OPTION I logic, intellectual, personally-neutral#2 thinking and content-free, substanceless, quantitative#1 experiments based on atoms/opinions coming from some big bang in the first few nano-/ seconds of an interaction/first impression of people. With those thinking catastrophes, science has on the one side identified trillions of distant suns, more than 5000 planets and getting ready to find bio-signatures as on its other, side, proof of the meaning-less evolution myths in the empty hopes in declassified UFO/ET-reports about a superior race eventually fixing up our substance disrupting thinking catastrophes under OPTION I, in order to maintain its opinonated-preached-philosophized-medialized-politics-management at all costs...


7) What percentage of the possible  SYNERGY  results in satisfying fulfillment and successful, flow and team work based on trusting self and others, manifests in your scenario when people interact for serious business ? (1-99%=lifefulfilling platform and life-long learning at work):                    %

Please indicate how it ideally could be

Afterwards you will get access the the eight stages of the existential "dualities", in fact the
inner challenges to overcome the OPTION I format that begins with
the division of YOU from your Living Space under OPTION I,
so it prevails,
in the present age of disruption with

The follow-up site is about shifting the attention away from other-determined  OPTION I Ideals  you confronted above; beyond the thinking catastrophes they evoke in getting viral in mass-attractive viciously self-destructive circles, before it all collapses ever faster in human catastrophes towards.
Ii is about fulfilling the  eight level of existential challenges for synergy . In essence, the above OPTION I considerations are not much, but together we are going to turn them into preparing synergy with your OPTION II resources; an invaluable fortune in it superior meaning for your whole life.


00.11.28: Aiming for wordy ideals and hypes, evokes irresolvable dualities!

Context: [Home] [Nach oben] [YOUR CHOICE] [Arrogance] [Humanism] [Other-determined] [Self-determined] [Project]     

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS©  LOVE CODES allow your Phoenix Encounter too... 
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich, +41 44 432 89 59,
Skype: ahaaps, Email: pm()think-systems.ch
making the missing relationship truths available in the ELC-Project

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