02 Options

It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...

Context: [Nach oben] [01 Hoax] [02 Options] [03 Procedures]

Regret-waste-escalation>blame or fulfillment that is the question!

How come since antiquity most people, generations and cultures fall for the same tricks and what are they?

The official OPTION I dogma is based on ideas generally democratically worth spreading in the market, i.e. based on mass-attractivity as the measure of all things. That p-principle measure promises the possibility for g-generating maximal welfare and that converges in the visionary e-end of the evolution in freedom for anything that goes and that asks for everybody o-opening up for more and more choice, and that has lead to the present, pgeo-confusing Age of Disruption! Now in it, we are already deep in the ship of virtuality with its own self-destructive dynamics as outlined in Barry Schwartz's Ted Talk about "The paradox of choice".

In Schwartz's estimation, choice has made us not freer but more paralyzed, not happier but more dissatisfied. He implies an optimal choice and that for YOU, is between the disrupting you, default OPTION I and the fulfillment of your OPTION II. The effort for both is the same, struggling to please under OPTION I in one of its traps avoiding what is considered preceding %1-political correctness, or to transcend that temptation of your 8 dark evil inner OPTION I voices with your 16 OPTION II resources. However, the consequences are eternally different: disruptive, globally cancerous confusion versus giving meaning to to self and others towards Lifefulfilling Platforms

That is where NLP comes in, the neuro-linguistic programming towards the level above the
pgeo-confusion among the common people of this world, in the MATRIX of the

pgoe-materialism of the elite that is successful under OPTION I with the p-principle promise such as to make the coming year the best by dissolving the e-end that have blocked you in confusion so far. Then you are promised to learn to condition yourself to g-generate what o-opens you up to achieve your visions, the desired self-image congruent to how others perceive you. To make that approach lucrative its mass-attractivity has been raised pointing out its social Darwinian value, for who come first profits first, and who comes too late is out; left with the crumbs falling from the table of the elite from what they have earned with peak-flow performance. Then comes the invitation to learn to model their successful systems with NLP, so those who propagate that approach become part of the successful ones who determine which systems serve them well. maintaining that TRAP, requires
pego-suppressing any PRE-OPTION I systems, and above all one's own TRANS-OPTION II soul and that of anybody else. Only then can you successfully
peog-other-determine others. This way dividing them from their inner OPTION II system, you can rule them with the proven  successful systems of the elite to
poge-dominating your world too. Of course, when challenged, you are required to
poeg-demean any competing system, rhetorically outsmarting them, up to using harder means. All organized in nation state, which have served their purpose and are demeaned in our time in favor of the zeitgeist enhanced by the internet of people and things, internalized according to the NLP-5 monkey model.

So some people will fail; if it is too many of them, almost all of them will fall back down the ladder, back into pgeo-confusion - human history and destiny so far. In short, the result of modern psycho-logic-neuro-linguistic politics is the globally wider opened Pandora-box; the devil's circle that can only be overcome with sufficient oegp-OPTION II fulfillment. This means being o-open for the e-end as the consequences of g-generating with man-made p-principles such as the axioms of NLP:

1) p-principles to be kept to have a chance to become mass-attractive

1.1 Respect other person's models of the world (no need to understand anything for there is nothing respectable as such).

1.2 Behavior and change are to be evaluated in terms of context, and the ecology of chemical-physical and neuronal processes (there is no substance in its own right, it's all man-made Cm-multiplied communication that converges to the Bm-boundary conditions multiplied).

2) g-end of communication in virtuality are opinions

2.1 Resistance in a client is a sign of lack of rapport. (There are no resistant clients, only inflexible communicators. Effective communicators accept and utilize all communication presented to them - it's all virtuality).

2.2 People are not their behaviors (accept the communicating person; change the behavior).

2.3 Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available. (Behavior is geared for adaptation, and present behavior is the best choice available; every behavior is motivated by a positive intention as part of forming the next trend in the zeitgeist).

3) e-end of fulfilling any innate meaning - you, your OPTION II

3.1 Calibrate on behavior: The most important information about a person is that person's behavior.

3.2 The map is not the territory. (The words we use are not the event or the item they represent. You are in charge of your mind, and therefore of your results - and I am also in charge of my mind and therefore of my results - there is no superior order to respect).

3.3 People have all the resources they need to succeed and to achieve their desired outcomes. (There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states that can be changed with NLP).

3.4 All procedures should increase wholeness (of OPTION I's Cm-multiplied communication as the prevailing, exclusive MATRIX).

4) o-open for anything goes within the above pge-MATRIX

4.1 There is only feedback! (There is no failure and no fulfillment)

4.2 The meaning of communication is the response you get (it's all discussions, stupid!)

4.3 The Law of Requisite Variety: (The ideology of the person/collective with the most flexibility of behavior will control the superior system by disrupting it to maintain OPTION I, allowing its self-destructive show to go on).

4.4 All procedures should be designed to increase choice (the requirement for freedom, in itself evoking disruption and social Darwinism about pick up the dwindling crumbs).

You should not get sucked into the pgeo-confusion by man-made dogmas, but rather analyze what they evoke under OPTION I, and accept the challenge that poses on the §1-L3 ethical scale to your own 16 essential OPTION II resources...

pgoe-success elite
Assuming p-equality in the experience of g-brotherhood in the OPTION I practice, the successful elite clarifies the o-opening of people's e-end. Thus framed

people try to o-open up with their OPTION II, which the elite puts to the e-end in their system with a MATRIX which serves them. And that is where the above NLP comes in with attentive leadership based on hating the OPTION II existence in the name of o-e justice, in science of objectivity, for it disturbs OPTION I neuro-linguistic programming, the intellect, rhetoric, politics, philosophy, spin-doctoring.

But here we call the evolution hoax; without a Creator nothing makes any sense, not even the laws of nature, for they can be misused. And the latter and its species, can certainly not be explained in any meaningful way with evolution. So here we transcend the OPTION I evolution myth which just does justice to the history of communication under OPTION I; fulfilling itself with self-destruction in the madness to be the bottom line of science, like the above axioms. Overcoming this hoax begins with realizing their is desirable O-orientation in recognizing
1) that each human system can be understood with an oegp, i.e. has a X-substance to not just be respected in its appearance but to be understood in its life- through task-fulfillment towards synergy.
2) Taking this oegp-attitude reveals that the a-mode of being, besides the other 14 of a X-being is actually the connection with the Creator as insights/intuition revelation etc. in ones conscience.

In order to M-manipulate anything to go as the *3 pleases, towards +2 lust, -4 away from and effort for anything meaningful, in the ?0-illusion of the blessing of OPTION I science, it pre-trans-traps, thus a curse, what is above it by
- EH-Coding it and confining people to its three taboo of
- inhibiting the meaning of OPTION II by
- out-casting
telling stories about it,
- disrupt
any effort to make it understandable with metaphors, and
- denouncing taking responsibility for insights as egoistic, thus OPTION II as not socially compatible, not %1-politically correct in refusing to sacrifice ones OPTION II to the %6-man-made Cm>Bm zeitgeist's selctions, and the possibility for its %5-manipulation/mutation...

The result of  M / O = STRESS < DEATH...


00.11.05: Our pgeo-formatted world is still 18 levels away from desirable solutions...