It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...


Who is the MASTER of YOUR Mind - Who should be it?

Themes: [Relationships] [ELC] [Encounter] [GERMAN] ergänzender Inhalt auf Deutsch

To be with loving engagement, or not to be, hating existence, that is the question! Here you get not just the answer that IS personally relevant to you for the rest of your life, but live practical, you get access to the think-system to become aware of who you are and deserve to fulfill your life with:

Basically you are always one decision away from life-fulfillment; the choice is Existential Love-Coding your task-fulfillment or going on to default to Existential Hate Coding. With the latter you can try to avoid who you innately are. With the former you can understand what you are here for with your X-personal substance relevant for life-through task-fulfillment. Are you willing to consider the former as your innate OPTION II, to then let go the latter as the other's default OPTION I rat race for mass-attractivity? Please consider first where humanity and you, as above so below, have come from:

To be human started with IDEAS, via wordy philosophy to trend speak; since Nov. 24, 2016, the onset of the Age of Disruption, now with disruptive thinking mim-icking the ZG-Zeitgeist and its permanently self-destructive dynamics evoked by its coding of what is, based on hating its existence in trying to convince people of OPTION I as excluding any other option:

That is where, we are 2017 and that is why if have written this site for you too; 500 years after the Reformation and the sophistication of opinions that evolved with Existential Hate Coding of human systems. Now we are in the phase of End of Nation as a precursor to the the End of YOU and every entity with a created substance, e.g. reversal of the EXODUS of God's people after the individual Fall, slavery in Egypt, and then free, the collective sin with the Golden Calf according to Beelezebub's Strategy: The nihilistic elites, realizing only their impotence to instrumentalize the Creator, they evoke extinguishing His Creatures (already half of them are extinct), destroy His Creation and rise people against HIM by hate coded communication by the by then now redefined language that frames disruptive thinking, aiming for the end of conscious biological life. Phase 1, IQ<90 is already widely implemented as the intelligence mentality of 10-year old kids, so people divided, can be ruled to join in to further disrupt their home, themselves and their nation, ongoing in phase 2. Even shooting people in their churches, has became part of the random terror, and we have to accept the blackmailing of rough states in their axis of evil, up to with hydrogen bombs. All that has so far been twittered in vain by the US-president Donald Trump after having catalyzed the opening up the Pandora Box of The Age of Disruption on Nov. 24, 2017 by calling the intellectual bluff.

In short the Phoenix, here is not the mystical one, but YOUR OPTION II, still still stuck in the ashes of the world of OPTION I. What I call a PHOENIX ENCOUNTER with your innate self, is your last chance once you understand about:

Ideas of priests+philosophers > M-Opinions of politicians+managers > Points made by proper scientists
substantial O-Hints of your conscience+"prophets"; accepting the basic relationship truth about what deserves to be called science:

Manipulation know-how applied / Orientation knowledge considered = STRESS < DEATH



It starts with virtual games, formerly literature, until it manifests in the real world pre-trans-trapping all entities' substance and conscience!
ideas are free
freedom of opinions
anything goes

"land rights for
gay whales

as Australians say...

global warming
just fake news

the TRAP of OPTION I cults
(primitiv behavior)
is sanctioned and legitimized by mass-attractivity to maintain OPTION I.
Therefore what threatens to TRANScend comfort zones is persecuted as an even bigger threat by the elite and the people conditioned by them!


Original Thinkers seen
as trend speakers or
task-fulfiller? We were all born as created originals, but still most die as ZG-copies...

In the Age of Disruption,
Maintence of the ZG-zeitgeist works with disruptive thinking mimicking the ZG in order to get some mass-attractivity for a successful career...

The day is near when we shall regret what  politicians did in our name and even more the still prevailing incredible silence of most of the people who will be  concerned


The Intellectual Pecking Order



There is a Point of NO Return under OPTION I; at the abyss,  weak spirits are pushes a step further to sell their souls; impotent to relate to their innate OPTION II any,ore

Zeitgeist MATRIX - Update
00-Spin Doctors
02-Marketing Manager

22-Executive Politicians


  PRE-crastination TRAP-ZG-comfort zone TRANS/pro-crastination


Weak spirits pre-trans-trap the above with a thinking that disrupts their mind accordingly; though now %1-politically correct, this way of coding relationships inhibits PHOENIX ENCOUNTERS and thereby inner and outer synergy. You might know that lacking synergy is the beginning of dying. 2017 a boy in Switzerland ate himself to 280 Kg in frustration of not getting his will pre-trans-trapped to an ?0-illusionray *3-ego self. He died at the age of 17 when he tried to stand up from a chair; this is the same

+2 greed driven story like the financial crisis 2008 and so on - see the cycle of crisis above...

But the ZG-zeitgeist keep telling us that nobody cares if we/you stand up for our self, denouncing that as a futile outdated primitive hope, as a mere myth. Even ZG-physics tells us that connectivity by disrupting our mental selves is the new solution in a universes where matter, let alone human entities have so far existed only in our minds.

Pointing all this out in such times since 1979, has made me increasingly unpopular to say the least. In the previous phase of OPTION I collapsing, as it has now but without getting re-established out of its ashes, Jesus was seen as a dangerous TRANS-disturbance of the temple's maintaining the TRAP-OPTION I business as usual. After Jesus' crucifixion, evoked by the temple, according to John 19:39, Nicodemus, to be on the safe side, a 02-TempleMaster, cared at least for Jesus' burial. The PRE-terrorist who was pardoned instead of Jesus by the crowed aroused by the temple's spin dorctors, was made to appear the lesser danger to the 22-PalaceMaster Pilate, to make him Jesus execute...

[00.11.12] 11 month after the collapse of OPTION I, I turned 73; now in the 3rd year of experiencing my freedom to become !-essential about L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence in my encounters of qualifying my X-self in that essential state in dealing with what is >3 unsatisfactory. Many people, who normally have their reaction to what I point out stemming from my OPTION II Mastermind, EH-Coded, congratulated me to my birthday. In essence they did it mostly towards happiness and health so I still get to the stage where I can convince more then 50% of all people of their OPTION II. Then, they let me know when challenged, they can join too risk free - provided they get enough of what is required under OPTION I, out of it. Those who identity with their OPTION I comfort zone are afraid of the -4 stress to become outcasts like me, basically since I, with my substantial OPTION II potential to become essential with my t-thinking, am a stumbling block to their OPTION I cemented pseudo-self. And that despite the ZG-zeitgeis's self-destructive dynamic of the latter, people's ?0-crazy *3-ego-reaction to become +2 more of something/-body in this %156-mass-attractively disruptive world. This highlights the task with the fulfillment of which I fulfill my OPTION II life. It moves towards the potential to L3-reframe what is in the G3-way of coming into a position where I can J-justify OPTION II sufficiently for a turnaround in our time. And this is what the OPTION I elite is most afraid of..

The next stage from here are PHOENIX ENCOUNTERS hopefully soon with U2

How about thinking about the meaning, and the appropriate-ness of the coding of what you know - that is called conscience! What is science without the latter? It is ultimately degener-ating into a curse of existence in its EH-Coding in the name of objectivity and %1 political correctness! Under that OPTION I there is no love - no meaning - no synergy - no desirable life - that's why this site is about mastering ELC! To apply, what's called science, you usually need to tune into a collective and that requires pre-trans-trapping each other, e.g. EH-Coding. So the thus missing conscience; Applied Personal Science APS© is what my sites are all about. My challenge is the ignorance and arrogance with the inferior OPTION I scientifically organized prejudices about the §3-integrity of human systems and trying to pre-trans-trapping me and whoever is pointing it out. I do it, with or without opinions by when I c-profile myself like here, F2-doing something about the Be-established boundary conditions by qualifying for what is and could be >6 very good for all concerned#2; understanding each others OPTION II with conscience of the outcome...

Drill deeper: [Relationships] [ELC] [Encounter] [GERMAN]
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00.11.14: OPTION I has had the last word under its obsession now fading noise follows


Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS©  LOVE CODES allow your Phoenix Encounter too... 
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich, +41 44 432 89 59,
Skype: ahaaps, Email: pm()
making the missing relationship truths available in the ELC-Project

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