
It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...

Context: [Nach oben] [YOUR CHOICE] [Arrogance] [Humanism] [Other-determined] [Self-determined] [Project]

The ELC-Project to Reframe Humanity

The tagged, above all real human beings should be done justice by the tags we put on them! Humans can only §1-express themselves to self and others via codes (symbols, words, concepts/formulas) about what they have in conscience via their  mind as the coder . The latter can be conditioned to hate what is in favor of what conscience wants you to become. Where the mind is conditioned by the the Cm-degree of Communication multiplied addressing the eight "dark evil inner voices" people simply as consumers and by the politicians as a citizen of their reign, it disrupts relationships with the known consequences. This way the world is under the doomsday clock - after its intellectual end Nov. 24. 2016, now less than 3 minutes away form its biological end. Science is supposed to be a thousand times more powerful by 2030 and a million times by 2045 while humanity's willingness to use it to meet its challenges is decreasing along with its disrupting trends towards anything goes by its own dynamic; except where people consider their OPTION II conscience.

On the other hand, God as HE who alone causes to become Creator of it all, the H4-logos (framework of nature and life), the H3-higher order of B4-relationship truths, the H3-reality of Creation, and the B5-life of Creatures, for humans for their OPTION I and II, said in Ecclesiastes 1:4: "A generation is going, and a generation is coming, but the earth remains forever." and in Psalm 37:29. "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it." And so it is time to become consciously operational about what "righteous", in the existential context really refers to! The fact is, anything essential such as your body (DNA) and your X-essence work in a framework of open-ended generative principles. However, substance is crippled when pre-trans-trapped by denotational words via confusion to unfulfilled disruption - as above historically now obvious, so below, inside people who have not sold their soul with its capability to experience their innate OPTION II for some short-lived OPTION I, with self-destructive mass-attractivity as the measure of all things, inhibiting any fulfillment...

People are conditioned to see the future in the Information Technology, even if can only deal with our and artificially evolved from it, Information Technology's own codes of things, ideas, visions. That excludes existential entities such as YOU, with their B4-relationship truths; their are mentally sublimated by the spin as added value put on it. In the name of freedom of expression, this kind of the artfully prevailing Existential Hate Coding, is just appropriate for objects to be handled without the obligation to adjust "anything goes" consciously to the relevant innate substance of those concerned, the inner dynamic of the power play to control it, ecology; the H2-superior order) is problematic even in science/humanities for any non-sustainable resources! When the bronze-age mentality (intellect) is applied to living entities, it can only result in now globally and increasingly faster, self-destructive systems. Therefore to come up with Existential Love-Coding with L2-Timely Exchange of Project-Oriented Competence, or going on defaulting to OPTION I, is the question of “to be or not to be“ for our generation!

BACKGROUND AND BASICS: Born 1944 I moved up to, 1970-73 modeling#1 re-entry conditions in the context of laboratory astrophysics (aerodynamics at conditions of up to 17 Km/sec., Mach 40, where quantum physics has an impact - for a Ph.D. at the Australian National University in Canberra). Then I modelled#0 cryptological devices until 1979, and from then on management, politics#2 in the light of human systems#3 (individuals, relationships, families, teams, cultures) in their options in the world as well as those inside individuals. In 1986 I realized the full impact of the cultural OPTION I EHC-MATRIX also in Switzerland. I went into exile to Australia for some 16 months. Back in Switzerland, I have meanwhile made the EL-C approach step by step operational with Applied Personal Science APS©.

TIMELINE: When I began to work out APS in 1979, insight by verified insight allowed growth beyond applying it to personally relevant situations. The underlying theses was and still is, that their is an innate open-ended generative principles by which any human system (individuals, their relationships, teams, mentalities cultures) can be understood in its options, now in a coherent and verified way. From now on, the dissemination of its relevant and pressing solutions via apps on mobile phones are required. First of all it has become urgent to have the relevant EH/L-Code of the attitude available that support understanding of what makes a specific relationship develop towards synergy, versus that which predictably evokes disaster.  This way an instruction manual for the renewed Swiss Government in Nov. 2017 was possible [in German], and also scripts for real life films. So far all that was implemented via Windows OFFICE - EXCEL - Social Media - Experiential Workshops, Consulting and 1to1 Relationship Coaching with thousands of human systems in all sorts of contexts and cultures, world-wide, in German and in English, or via translators such as in Japan. Thus, APS is proven to be sufficiently relevant as the missing link of EL-Coding to overcome the prevailing EH-Coding. This is the answer to the fact, that whatever is based on hating existence towards becoming anything that goes, leads to thinking-catastrophes, which evoke the known human ones...


FUTURE: To get beyond hate and what it evokes in time, CLICK>>> especially for future generations, support is urgent in bridging this project to coming generation. Now  networking with qualified individuals, teams and companies, has become urgent and requires up-to-date mobile technology. It is still possible in the so-called free world, to open up to OPTION II, via Existential Love Coding of the relevant relationship truths, with the meaning the desirable future requires. So as long as there is a sufficient transfer of understanding between the generation by accounting for the now fully understood life-long challenge and growing process, well modeled by APS, there is still H1-hope.

Partners of this project still have a soul (13-capability to experience#1 and qualify#3 one's OPTION II) and rather than mystify and demean substance, realize what it means, that through OPTION I, the Age of Disruption began Nov. 24, 2016. With such real human beings, there is the possibility for synergy. The "enemies" of opening up, even their own OPTION I, with their OPTION II, provide the challenge to drill deeper to the trap door/ignition sequence/missing link which opens up the understanding to successfully relate even to their OPTION II with one's own. The shift from the still prevailing EH- to the innately desirable EL-Coding is critical for humanity's survival in the next decades. The IT-progress including artificial intelligence can only amplify the coded input to drill deeper in its big data to its underlying dynamic mostly detached from the coder (in the castle of Kafka, cyborgs, then robots take over biological life in humanity), which inhibits LifeFulfilling Platforms with the corresponding consequences instead of what has been made possible as indicated here.

Basics: You have a being and can becoming capable to  understand and consider, such as the laws of nature, to fulfilled your desirable OPTION II. This has been made possible with modeling human systems with relevant open-ended-generative principle in their relationship truths! What is any becoming without any essentially basic being; hateful self-destruction! What is H3-reality without a H2-superior H4-substancial order - hell! God does not throw the dice and cannot be corrupted by humans even the mighty ones stirred up by the Beelzebub-strategy. These insubstancial pseudo-entities might still rule the (OPTION I) world of weak spirits; yet none of them will have the last word, just as none of the Evil Empires prevailed; they self-destructed all After all, the first man-made code was a dead fig leaf; in the following intellectual evolution that has lead to the present Age of Disruption - see a prime example on Facebook an you have now been informed about the OPTION II to chose yours and feedback towards the L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence appropriate for you... 


Your Feedback and Contribution to EL-C is Welcome


01.00.00: It is time for clarity one year after the collapse of the intellectual world

Context: [Home] [Nach oben] [YOUR CHOICE] [Arrogance] [Humanism] [Other-determined] [Self-determined] [Project]     

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS©  LOVE CODES allow your Phoenix Encounter too... 
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich, +41 44 432 89 59,
Skype: ahaaps, Email: pm()
making the missing relationship truths available in the ELC-Project

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