
It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...

Context: [Nach oben] [YOUR CHOICE] [Arrogance] [Humanism] [Other-determined] [Self-determined] [Project]

Prevailing Science is still pego-arrogantly hovering above people

p-appeal: One substanceless human is a shame (avoid it), e-factual: two evoke layers (based on facts), and g-relational; three or more, politics (regulating relationships) o-my personal outing; their arrogant thinking-catastrophes result in human catastrophes to maintain OPTION I, so let all hope go!

The oegp-truth hurts only, if at all, once. Lies, evolutionary reFORMating (shifting the p to the left till the truth becomes poeg-meaning- and thus hopeless), and reframing oeg>ego the former with the hidden agenda of dividing people, so they can be ruled easier with such pego-arrogant distortions, hurts those concerned for the rest of their lives, until they understand! So let as distil out of the above pego-hype the oegp-truth hidden among its fragments to come up with what is a meaningful relationship truth which sheds light on the :

As long as thinking- towards human-catastrophes are not o-openly exposed and are covered up under OPTION I beyond its point of NO return, e-layers/judges are required from two people onwards (Salomon's judgment about the two women wanting a child as theirs). When three or more people thus g-generate/relate under man-made fig leafs, laws, politics is evoked with p-the appeal to sacrifice one's substance, OPTION II for the mass-attractive, formally closed, thus self-destructive OPTION I; spin doctored, the seeming benefit of all... 


As who I am as created, my J-self-justification is in L3-ReFRAME-ing the, since the antiquity under OPTION I prevailing, gepo-arrogant science as is necessary and re-FORM-ed as it should become, towards the oegp-OPTION II mindset which can only be sufficient. Since 1979 I have made this approach operational in life-practical ways up to apps with a global reach.

Science should be about working out the principles of desired change based on relevant information.

When it comes to real human beings' minds of dealing with science, the only really desirable change of what the prevailing science conditions people to, is about how you and me go about our identity in our relationships in order to become

- free from mala, the appearance of hidden agendas in places e.g. with music, sounds of comics and rhetoric for misusing people's opinions, the prevailing OPTION I that evokes Cm-Communications to be multiplied. Rather than following that vain rat-race for self-destructive mass-attractivity it suggests, it is time to give meaning to the B4-relationship truths that on our B3-path lead to the B5-life experience our soul allows. As Jesus has suggested so that our innate OPTION II becomes free from forcing each other to g-generating man-made e-ends under OPTION I, as what the humanities are concerned with. Here is an example of a real life person's comment in Facebook and how an innate soul understands the following sophisticated, mass-attractive spin towards overwriting your soul. When people are enthused by such spin and then, not knowing how to follow up the misguidance, they let the zeitgeist via such spin doctors set them up. That is how that kind of self-appointed elite manifest their hidden agendas at the cost of people sold as naive:

gep-convince with o-arrogance: g-Hello e-my life lovers, p-I wish everyone a o-great time.

p-inspiring geo-confusion: p-inspiration is what our soul needs, in order to g-make oneself feel oneself; e-may the world from time to time feel cold and we experiencing ourselves separate. o-It is only in your head. Just change your belief.

gp-teach to become eo-untouchable: g-create your own reality. p-never mind what is going on around you or happens on the job. e-not just the mysterious night is yours, but every hour in which you breath; o-in spirare (latin); breath in to create the soul yourself

ep-teach pog-other-determined: e-what are p-you waiting for? o-heartedly joyful g-Yours S...

After such "free arty spirits" have inspired humankind for millenniums with teachings how to convince people to substitute their OPTION II/being/soul with the mass-attractive spin of the elite, their insubstancial, self-destructive dynamic collapsed on Nov. 24, 2016. Since then the Pandora box of the present Age of Disruption is open:

Thus the time has come to for those who are still part of the solution, to rather get

- free to o-open up for the e-end of the consequences of g-generating and p-giving meaning to the relationship truths in our actual situation in personally relevant OPTION II ways. For that purpose, the one each of us has been created for, the p-principles to be internalized should be those who server the personal life- through task-fulfillment, rather than the arrogantly assumed gep one's for p-framing self and others for the elite's OPTION I success! That evokes the politics of the Bm-Boundaries conditions that multiply under the Cm-evoked OPTION I trend. In that unholy zeitgeist, only the so-called ideological-psycho-political Bm-humanities>palace rule based on the Cm-temple>media with the religious alternatives of esoteric and spirituality, is promoted, cultivated and enforced - even at the abyss, a step further, condemned by the OPTION I MATRIX...

Not having sold your soul yet, by tuning in to your OPTION II you can be understood by an o-open e-ended g-generative p-principle, for you to understand too. Otherwise you end becoming pre-trans-trapped by gepo meaningless words, religiously "I am a spiritual being, g-freed from the Lords of Mala, the god’s of this e-world system of reincarnation because my Spirit is reborn in Christ Jesus and p-filled with the Holy Spirit; I possess a soul, and temporarily operate in a body under the law of love and grace of the all mighty God..." to equally frame others in such Cm-projections into a geop-pseudo-scientifically wordy frame divided from their OPTION II so they can be ruled under OPTION I in the  personally-neutral respective religion geop-risking your soul/self-determined response-ability by its propagated belief, in science to work for peer reviews with their best selling books, in the gpeo-unteachable politics, to get on top of OPTION I just to be toppled according to the Peter principle at the peak of one's OPTION II incompetence, e.g. condemned to become part of the self-destructive OPTION I world as a cog-wheel in the greedy economy to be managed by reward and punishment, e.g. in hell, with no meaningful access to the prevailing, soulless principles; it's the pgeo-confusing economy's zeitgeist, stupid. To shift the p in geo is a mere reFORMation which leaves generating a man-made end confined opening for life unchanged; reforming to the right (pgeo>gpeo>gepo>geop) shifts the prevailing science from #0-dogma #2-ideology #1-technology to #3-freedom for OPTION II. The left shift is evolution toward self-destruction! A reFRAMEing transcends >4 appeasing geo - goe beyond >3 unsatisfying ego with >5 good eog towards the only >6 very good oeg, towards openness for the true end for man's generation.

Her is the overview of the 24 possible basic ideologies with the 4 possible reformations on the 6 levels available for reframing towards the unavoidable consequences:

ReFORMation with the joker p: pgeo-experience> gpeo-practice> gepo-clarification> geop-freedom>

v Re

geo e>confused by p>formally closed self-destructive systems as an c>arrogant f>challenge,

goe e>materialistic p>manipulation c>in securing f>risk taking against each other/OPTION I

ego e>suppressing p>competitiveness c>controlled by f>convincing each other;

eog e>from other- to p>self-determination towards a c>reasonable f>investment beyond

oge e>dominating failures p>grasping success c>confronting self+others by f>transforming the

oeg e>demeaning p> insubstancial opportunism c>optimizing life by f>meaningful synergy

^ the

The only exit out of the undesirable religiously embellished, ideological-pgeo pseudo-science tending towards virtuality for political-gpeo (social Darwinian)survival-gepo, towards personal-spirituality in geop vicious circles of the formally closed OPTION I, the so-called karmic wheel, is not "Jesus Christ", e.g. just a wordy tag, but what the one tagged with it, has made possible by his example. Cm-evoked Bm-wordy Christians accepted such hypes as a gift and claim to have been awakened to the spiritual authority their wordy magic gives them in their circles of idolatry, There Jesus, like on Palm Sunday would probably say: "Thanks God I am not a Christian!". Up-to-date in the zeitgeist their mala says "Christ in me is my new spiritual DNA, I’m a new creature, not of this world order, I am rich in Christ" (as if the Creator was a tinkerer in his 1st Creation). Such boasting is typical for scribes in public. According the Bible, it points to their hidden agenda. Supposedly all can receive and embrace this kind of superiority as a rightful gift up to an identity that makes you rich and whole lacking nothing as as a "Christian", "humans" under OPTION I, specifically "communist", "Muslim", "capitalist" etc.; pre-trans-traps, wordy idols with a zeitgeist evoking a meaningless path in struggling for Cm-Bm mass-attractivity with the respective religion-ideology-spin.

2000 years after Christ all the spin has now led humanity globally to the abyss of the Age of Disruption; most people indoctrinated to go a step further as they continue to accept and embody their respective gepo-arrogant OPTION I identity. With such wordy tags/idols, e.g. "Christ Jesus in me, my foundation making me solid", even most people's important relationships are Existentially Hate Coded with the evoked misunderstandings based on category errors and non-sequiturs (wishful conclusions lacking any evidence and meaning). With re-form-ation by merely shifting "p", the dividing of people as outlined above, instead of following Jesus's B345, the essence of what the tag "Jesus" was meant to refer to by him, has now been distorted by philosophy! It has successfully undermined theology (God now merely a strong literary figure even in theological circles) and the humanities as their "lead science". The simple and tangibly visible proof of them evoking human- with thinking catastrophes is that according to the dictionary, they either use the once meaningful words to now point to something else (promoting category errors) as originally, or simply replace them to silence a topic, e.g. everything not congruent to their general evolution myths which in fact is just relevant for their pseudo science, which actually fulfilled itself with its collapse on Nov, 24, 2016 as the inner rerun of the tangible destruction that ended the temple in Jerusalem. So wordy Christians have created the templates for any other ideology other ideology; just replace the keywords, e.g. "socialism in me, my foundation making me solid - a good "human" being." Such people formatted by the zeitgeist of their circle by gepo-science then take correspondingly inspired action from such spiritual, mental, ideological  and physical self-fulfilling prophecies pretending to lack nothing in their self- or other-determined mindfully formatted identity by the organized prejudices of their OPTION I eight dark evil inner voices; ranging from leaders like Inquisition-Dschihad-Stalin-Hitler-Mao & Co., bankster, right- and left-side fundamentalists up to their useful idiots towards suicide terror, genocide and worse.

The Cm-evoked thinking catastrophes that, in the Bm-name of the CDm-freedom of opinion, that stem from OPTION I formatted minds, propel unbelievable expressions and expansions of the OPTION I in and out of them, even if they call the source "Holy Spirit" and the zeitgeist "God". Instead of o-opening up to the e-end of the Creator's H2-superior, immutable order rather than the man-made self-destructive one, as their guidance for g-generating experience that lead to the understanding of their created substance in oegp-terms, the gepo-framed sheople prefer primarily something like "an intimacy with God to see & hear the direction beings are given from The Father within.", e.g. no need to understand his H4-order of live which is required to translate his a-hints in conscience into this world as the personally relevant B4-relationsship truth about one's own H4-inner essence in order to fulfill it! That kind of fishing was Jesus teaching on his B3-path with his B5-life in an outstandingly exemplary way so nobody who believes/takes the lesson must starve/end with an unfulfilled life. It was the Vatican who introduced to Cm-opinionate about it, to Bm-demonstrate its usurping power. Jesus o-pointed to opening for the e-end of the B1-belief in a similarly personally possible B2-breakthrough to one's own B3-path in the world, which in B4-truth alone leads the really desirable B5-life to do what he did and greater. Even on the cross he was not tempted to %5-manipulating God to give fishes/money to do what one wants and to bribe others to work under one's OPTION I worldly position! Jesus was L3-reframing the gepo-arrogance of the scribes towards an oegp-knowledge work made possible by what he left as the a-Holy Spirit/conscience for us, according to John 14:12 to overcome OPTION I with one's own innate OPTION II. So Jesus did not pay for us so we can go on in gepo-arrogance in business as usual as the prevailing science does it in ignorance of the meaning of what he really did and what the Creator created each one of us for!

What did the President of the Federal Institute of Technology, the ETH in Zürich, Prof. Lino Guzzelle say 2015 to that: "The o-meaning of life is a chemical-physical process (with the hidden agenda to gepo-usurp it from the Creator for p-reengineering it towards its meaningless e-end under the OPTION I). This is in the tradition of Nietzsche with: "God is dead...", God: "Nietzsche is dead!", and Louis XIV: "L'etat c'est moi > apres moi la deluge...", the Pope: "I am God's representative on Earth" Mohamed: "Jesus isn't but a minor prophet compare to me and there is only one God, and the is "Allah"...", Zeitgeist philosophy: "substance"/cause is "reality"/effect..." reducing science to the art of telling mass-attractive narratives like post-modern Cm-journalism...

Only in that scenario does it make sense to say "My Spirit is perfect...", then at best re- and trans-FORMation can happen in a mind, which is "human" and more than what animal are said to be able to do, but not reframing! Intellectually one can spin such humanities from "the tree of knowledge" to design one's personality, thoughts and emotions which overwrites one's soul and disallows God's relevant relationship truths to be the source of one's supply and is thus called sin! To get what I mean think of a tinkers versus and engineer who applies the laws of physics...

Total trust, release and surrender to the created H2-superior order is the only truly desirable way beginning with the best possible H4-understanding! Only with the latter can there be L1-love, otherwise we have rape and victim power! Only when I accept my OPTION II lifefulfilling as my purpose and L3-reframing of what is framed with OPTION I where it is based on category errors before the point of NO return as my highest challenge and potential without fulfilling it, God's love and grace, and Jesus Christ reframing his exemplary sacrifice is sufficient for me. Or do you really think God wants people whom he had to rape for what humans think is "good" in his heavens? Would you like somebody like that in your house? What do you think of somebody who gives in to somebody else's order to reign inside with all its consequences for live on earth without understanding it? Such a person would either be coerced like Jonas, is ignorant out of cowardice, dishonest, e.g. not up for B5-life, or is arrogant expecting a return on investment like Jesus disciple's Judas (30 silver coins) and Peter (to become the rock upon which the Pope became God's deputy). Only relevant H4-understanding breaks the “hamster wheel” captivity by the 8 malas, the 8 dark evil inner voices of OPTION I by which we are tempted with g-playful ?0-illusions in the ZG-zeitgeist about the consequent e-end in self-destruction according to God's superior H2-order of *3 ego power games and of the more or less %1-politically correct %5-manipulation and %6-projection p-principles of humanitie's multiplicity, duality and karma; for non of which the book of life is o-open. That is why gepo-evolution can only be downwards to its own disruption like philosophy! There is no other scientific proof and it is basically meaningless to expect otherwise!

Not ?0-"heaven" but the H4-understanding of the H2-superior order relevant to fulfill my OPTION II is my true "planet of origin", that is my h-living oegp-space. The Genesis of the Bibel describes how the OPTION I so-called Beelzebub strategy came into humanity: Jealous of the Creator, Satan ?0-*3 emancipated to hell. Realizing that he could not change H2, more rational than most of todays' gepo-arrogant scientists, Beelzebub suggested to introduce OPTION I to people to make them sin, e.g. detach from their OPTION II as did Peter when the cock cried thrice. From then on Satan could, according to the Bible, rule the world with OPTION I with the consequences outlined above; humanity the cancer of the created living space earth, intellectually self-condemned for a self-destructive evolution! Re-FORM-ation to sublimate understanding at the price of people losing their soul allowed the last terrible century of ideologies to form the self-destructive collectives of now failed states, their leaders at the WEF 2018 now in search of a common future in the age of disruption as first acknowledged by the Financial Times. In itself that can only mean self-destruction - first sublimating biological life with the Artificial Intelligence of Attention Interruption from the oe-consequences before the gp-point of no return from the ultimate g-playing with the ultimately p-self destructive OPTION I evoked principles of p-dividing people to rule them with OPTION I thus inhibiting any OPTION II, however, an impossibility with normally born human being arriving with their OPTION II. That is why OPTION I in itself converges to a self-destructive humanity as the ultimate intention of its evil inventor, disciples, elites and their useful idiots, gepo-scribes & Co. Their framework is doomed for mass failure and extinction because such is the Creator's H2 order concerning the 8 "Lords of Mala"...

It is not so much a matter of no longer bowing to serve those lords to become free to choose; only the B4-truth sets you free and that requires H4-understanding beyond the "8 inner OPTION I lords" greedy for power otherwise ultimately against the created life, cannibalizing it as is the hidden agenda of the lords of all ages. A mere wordy return, without B3-walking the Cm-talk "to the Master we knew and call our true Father who restores in us our true spiritual nature to placing us in our true consciousness which we call the Kingdom of God, in which perfection of love expressed is always life giving." is not sufficient as necessary as such statements are made so sound perfectly practiced by any pimp, spin doctor & Co. And the final excuse for dropping OPTION II sound like: "When it’s time for me to transition, I won’t really die, I will be escorted to this new system and operate in a body just like Jesus is in. - all are welcome!" - for in the mass it is said to die easier. Such are the temptations of humans just as those 3 from the devil and the remaining other 5 from the OPTION I scribes, Jesus had to face...


01.02.02: So much for the prevailing humanities; the arrogant EHC-curse of existence