
It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...

Context: [Nach oben] [Application] [Self-Truth] [Cm-Womb] [Virtuality] [Reframing] [Easter]

Self - the OPTION I myth and the OPTION II Truth about Life

Conmen and dictators want to know everything about their clients in order to gain control of them under their envisage identity; divided from any self for easy rule. They themselves only reveal their TRAP-branded designed public life, indicating a glamorously successful private life, shielding off the secrets of the not so mass-attractive PRE-parts preceding the culture they %6-successfully project. In order to maintain their comfort zone they actually live in constant fear of somebody challenging them to TRANScend their in itself self-destructive trap before it collapses. This urges them, Jesus the scribes, to PRE-TRANS-TRAP, e.g. erase their clients soul as the capability to experience their innate OPTION II, and instead blowing up their OPTION I selves to emerge (as some new universal/catholic church) at the ZG-zeitgeist's top typical of totalitarian regimes of all ages.

 It is time to tell the truth about the possible selves!


Bronze Age Monostatically philosophized Mystification

The prevailing game in the social media is trying to get away with the consequences of thinking catastrophes, that lead to human ones! In trying to be some media's first person/Idol, humanity is now flooded with public outings from the lowest, the mystical self. Even on top of it, people are ever more alone and lost; prone to the great pandemics of our age, depression, anger, sadness, ending up to more or less sophisticated forms of sublimating suicide with subtle terror. This sucks all aspects of the essential, and then the private and life in this Age of Distortion. The philosophical thinking catastrophes in the pretended scientific search for a single identity of people in collectives has lead to mystifying any other real selves in the OPTION I contagious way above all against the most feared


    OPTION II concept of Being = Actual Self => Desired... up to fulfilling the innately Essential Self


as dramatized under OPTION I in George Orwells "1984" and "Animal Farm" in reference to the past century of ideologies with its two "Evil Empires". It is time to overcome the INTERNATIONAL socialist misinterpretation of "love your enemy" with the hidden Beelzebub agenda, more than self and one's country (against all God created substance and essence of entities such as YOU), and L3-reframe it more precisely with: Love the OPTION II of self, friends and enemies alike! Understanding required rather than "birds of a feather flock together, four legs good, to legs bad" and other pre-trans-trapping hypes...


Calling the Bluff

Sam Oven's approach to "Why Being Your Self is a myth in life and business" with, refers to the ?0-illisonary > *3-ego self and calls it, what it is, despite its prevailing role in society as tha tag-self. Sam wants to start a new YouTube channel called Consulting TV. On this channel, they are going to talk about things to do with business and also, things to do with mindset and philosophy. This site is about loving that of your possible selves which allows you to trust the process of your life and H3-enjoy the reality you encounter. Also you should understand that life is happening for you, not to you. However, some people will, based on the self they identify with, treat you or mistreat your for the way you allow them to. Therefore, learn to treat your self so good that when someone doesn't, you are not shocked into one of your lower selves preceding where you have now grown to become! Remember that you and others can only meet you - you them, on the level on which they now meet themselves. I invite you to let the concepts conveyed here to sink in. Be assured that every passing moment is a chance to turn it towards your best self and the fulfillment that it deserves. You're only one decision from the often totally different experience of becoming what you deserve. Give your innate potential sufficient meaning to prevent others from pre-trans-trapping you; cutting your trans-best as well as the pre-worst of you, to such you in their trap...


Beyond menaingless Multiple Identities

The Financial Times as one of the trendsetters referring to Nobel Prize winners, soon after it made the Age of Disruption globally public, points out the philosopher Amartya Sen, who won the Nobel Price for economics in 1998, simply with the idea; ditch single identity, and "understand" that every person has multiple identities - so people can be sucked in different niches which is good for business. Such are the temples - media; blow up existential existence to something simple, then mystify it to cover up the bluff with a sophisticated fig leaf, until somebody demasks it as a mere myth, and overcomes it successfully. The to regain definition power, the intellectuals follow their failure up with "anything goes" - among others with over 70 gender definitions in academia to disrupt society according to the ZG-zeitgeist. All this has only one underlying purpose, to denigrate §3-human integrity to one's innate X-essence to fulfilling one's life the way it is meant by the Creator. The man-made OPTION I fulfills its claim that identity is formed unwittingly, and is neither a fundamental Creator's, nor a self-creation, but the social reaction, in its corresponding permanent self-destruction. In short it is time to come up with the life-practical conscience#3 that does justice to any individual human existence:

Sam observed that people who just want business advice, but aren't willing to improve themselves, miss the point. However, if people's %-selves are just open for others with hidden OPTION I social-opportunistic agendas, they, as victims of %1-social compatibility, as %5-manipulative perpetrators, end up stuck in their %6-projected OPTION I self because they're not willing to improve themselves towards life-through task-fulfillment (Sam's challenge by me based on the innate OPTION II of real human systems - we are not born equal in terms of our being in the options of our becoming, neither physically, nor essentially). People, because of neglected necessities, who just wanted to generate based on their self-made/other-determined rather than their innate principles however, drop out of their OPTION II self, and then as victims also end up in the meaningless and self-defeating rat race of mass-attractivity. When they, on the other hand think they don't need any business advice, the prejudice of the OPTION I world casts its "scientifically organized" prejudices on them, reducing them to their OPTION I mystical wordy evolutionary self, until they either also end up in its MATRIX, or "pull their"/OPTION II "finger" out before the Point of NO Return (my challenge at last by Sam). It has also been Sam's observation that over a period of time, the people who really B2-break through and achieve lifefulfilling business success, work in both realms; with their OPTION II transcending OPTION I before its otherwise unavoidable self-destruction! They work on themselves and their mindset beyond philosophy, their habits and everything inessential, instead accounting for the laws of nature, and the innate relationship B4-truth of real human systems, instead of the ZG-zeitgeist hypes under OPTION I. They also work on the business side; after all, Jesus was a carpenter. Here I, with my OPTION II 9Pp-open-ended generative principle self, am going to work out all the F9-basic options above. And that includes both friendly feedback and best thoughts available such as from Sam, towards synergy, as well as enmity and OPTION I substanceless critique, as a challenge. So in any case I am learning the next lesson of modeling the options of specific human systems in a coherently, unifying, life-practical way with the relevant Applied Personal Science APS©. In short, at the latest, wherever OPTION I begins to come up with self-destructive systems opening people for their end under it, then I begin to generate my life according to the innate 9Pp-principle I am here to fulfill. I begin with revealing the basic relationship in what deserves to be called science:

 OPTION I / OPTION II = STRESS < Self-destruction  it gives YOU, your choice of options how you can make the truly desired meaningful improvement and balance in your lifefulfillment and in your business for task-fulfillment. And that's what Sam also innately really wants to do out of his OPTION II-self way on this channel! All still real human becoming>beings want, depending on their chosen options among their OPTION I and OPTION II selves, their life to become personally relevant in search of an appropriate LifeFulfilling Platform. In his above mentioned first Consulting TV video, Sam deals with the subtle, easily misunderstood and simplified, in our Age of Disruption now highly distorted topic of "Is being yourself a myth?". He discusses it with Nick Fisher (here virtually with me). I hope considering what you have access to here, motivates you, to consider YOUR OPTION II as outlined here in its general basics, up to your EL-Coded personally relevant one.

"Who is a self?" asks Sam the most successful self-made business man Sam rhetorically. If someone can produce me a self, I will take my ... I-self, which I've said in the video is a myth, and I'll reevaluate it. Then he (guess which self) exclaims: "No one can produce me a self. In my understanding of it (of nothing but a myth, which per definition cannot be understood meaningfully...), a (OPTION I-)self is nothing. It's just a collection of characteristics and beliefs, and all of these things, which you think you are."

However you, your OPTION II-self can change most of who you think your are. Sam has done it massively. He has taught a lot of other people who have done it successfully as well. He and I believe; know, that the question of identity is really the main quest of all humans and civilizations of all times! Only those human systems, who learn how to transcend their seemingly necessary OPTION I selves up to national and cultural mentality, and so on, and who learn how to become fulfilling their OPTION II, have a desirable future as part of the solution for mankind on Earth! For Sam realizing that thought in his abtual B2-breakthrough phase of life (age 25-30) the one he made possible in consulting, has been the most fun he said he ever had in his life (up to 27). And teaching this to a lot of other people how to do it, it turned out the most fun they've ever had too. He encourages anyone watching his identity-video to take some time to just stop doing what you're doing and study his site carefully as I do here, opening up to your conscience and the call of your genuine vocation.

Especially in Western so-called Christian-philosophized civilization, people have been philosophized into asking the wrong question; those that produce only meaningless side-tracking from the people's innate OPTION II self towards their prejudice loaded transient OPTION I self; nothing substantial that rather wants to become like the other's who are seemingly better off. So people build themselves as pleasing avatar of themselves until they loose themselves other-determined, over time. This negative attitude has become a matter of course even for Nobel Prize winners, in their limelight of merely an OPTION I flat life flee circus awareness, leaving anybodies' OPTION II in the dark of their fear of not standing out too much, struggling for business as usual. So I think Sam and I agree about the sad state of mainstream civilization with its intellectual basis which actually collapsed on Nov. 24, 2016:

         EL-Coded OPTION I self                   EH-Codes OPTION I self-deceiving mystical self
 experiencing the world as a
         cradle to outgrow                            
coffin towards an unfulfilled, painful life of pretending

Ethical (§1230, B12345, H1234, L123) Existential Love Coding OPTION II

What happened when you started growing up to a 5-year old and using your innate §1-right for expressing yourself? You became aware of your §2-right to follow your purpose hopefully by the age of 10. Then the challenge was to keep §3-integrity with your then turning out really crystal clear OPTION II being in becoming as a teenager up to the age of 15. But then with enough character, you were challenged to learn about §0-sustanability growing up to 20.

Grown up it's just natural to B1-belief in your innate desire to become someone no longer limited by the so far experienced OPTION I world. And that is why everyone gets all up in arms and they go, "What are you doing? When you realize your B1 to be the first sign of B2-breakthrough even if daring to proceed to no longer being in alignment with your OPTION I self, others are expecting of you, then you can get on your B3-path by the age of 30; with or without opinions and the prejudice organized under the OPTION I "sciences" about you. For them you had to be trying to be someone who you're not, for X-being to become fulfilling your OPTION II disturbs those who did not even face the normal §3-challenge of a 15-year old, having sold their soul as the capability to experience one's OPTION II for some career under OPTION I.

If you dare not to TRANScend your OPTION I selves following your conscience in applying science in B4-truth, not giving in to weak spirits afraid they have to change too because of you to react against you with EH-Coded prejudices to maintain their TRAP-?0>*3, or +2/-4, or %156 comfort zone, will you not end up unfulfilled as a ZG-zeitgeist copy too. Otherwise you might react with trying to *3-defend your ?0-illusion about +2 more of the same without undesirable -4 further stress; PREceding the %1-mainstream TRAP in primitive ways. Then the OPTION I PRE-TRANS-TRAP snapped, its elite and those they managed to divide to rule, more afraid of your TRANS, then your PRE! Ask yourself when you first really realized that self-destructive OPTION I dynamic and became aware to what degree you compromised (trauma) and to what you gave up your OPTION II you hopefully still have access to. When you face that confrontation, you get the chance to follow the B4-truth, that which point to your B5-life's fulfillment! Then your life task should became clear at last by the age of 45 beyond your other-determined selves by the wordy world. If you are lucky you get the shock about the misleading world and your character that evolved in following it, before the point of NO return to end up in its MATRIX preventing people to become their own life entrepreneurs for their innate life- and task-fulfillment.

There is still H1-hope, justified by the existence of a H2-superior order to OPTION I, so it will not have the last word cursing people to let all hope go! Then the time comes to H3-face reality as it is, to become able to H4-relate to the essential relationship truths about your selves, their becoming, consequences and fulfillment, and those concerned. Every entity's inner relationship truth is good, for it allows to improve life to its fulfillment. But that usually leads to the inner challenge of your OPTION II by the 8 "dark inner evil voices" of your substanceless OPTION I selves, more so when relating to people in a collective. Usually the pre-trans-trapped %-majority is conditioned for EH-Coding their interactions, and fiercely with mobbing and worse, any attempt of EL-Coding; L1-lovingly trying to open up real human beings for synergy. You might ask: "What is wrong with everyone - I've work out EL-Coded openness and good will, where is everyone, my friends, family, the media, politics, the universities?" This is all in vain, unless you offer your OPTION II services with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence to them. The EH-Coders at best %6-recommend to be %1-nice and %5-serve the market to earn your living and to your OPTION II approach: "Hey, this is really cool, but I don't need this; come back to me, when you have become successful under OPTION I!" You might have an OPTION I brain wave, that everyone is born the same way and in the end, we are just like a drop in the ocean. Or you might stand up with your OPTION II' conscience towards L3-reframing such OPTION I ZG-zeitgeist hypes before the point of NO return of losing your soul; touch with your innate OPTION II. Failing on that ultimate challenge of your life, for which your were born as an X-original, you will gradually begin the think the way your OPTION I selves/inner voices echoing the Zg-zeitgeist, want you to become with the ?0/%1-promise to get +2 more mass-attractivity and less -4 flag. It is said, everyone in the world has no other alternative to this OPTION I TRAP except PRE-troublemaking for which punishment applies. Thus society has gotten people to really mold their character that way towards a self-installed OPTION I concentration camp at the entrance of which it says: Let all OPTION II TRANS-hope go. Then it ?0-appears wise to *3-let each other alone and avoid people, who think they can force something PRE-, avoiding TRANS to maintain their TRAP detriment. This OPTION I Beelzebub strategy has led to the Age of Disruption we are in since Nov. 24. 2016...

To get clear about the options of human systems to identify with a "self", is now no longer a futile philosophical search.  The greatest and most urgent mission of man on Earth  is to transcend one's self towards fulfilling one's life. And this is not to become whoever you want to be in life, in the ZG-zeitgeist now towards overcoming biological life as Kyborgs and partial physically and mentally cloned/downloaded - uploaded - outsourced! If you go for latter, you follow the ?0-promise that you'll have the +2 most fun in the world ever up to hell. If you face your OPTION II challenge you become part of the solution of life- through task fulfillment towards LifeFulfilling Platforms experiencing the blessing that entails, with the soul, you haven't sold for some mass-attractivity...


The good news is that there are 1728 possible open-ended generative principles models of OPTION II and their corresponding OPTION I whereby one them does justice to you in a depths by parameterization unimaginable under any OPTION I science.


00.11.20: Your future depends on which SELF you give which meaning in your life...

Context: [Home] [Nach oben] [Application] [Self-Truth] [Cm-Womb] [Virtuality] [Reframing] [Easter]     

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS©  LOVE CODES allow your Phoenix Encounter too... 
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