
It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...

Context: [Nach oben] [Application] [Self-Truth] [Cm-Womb] [Virtuality] [Reframing] [Easter]

In short - YOU, part of the Evolving Problem, or of the Solution?

MD Sterling (ELC-switched on with ongoing synergy) has provided the platform on Facebook (below to the left) for a summary of humanity's underlying existential disruption; since Nov 24, 2016 it is obvious for all, to be clarified in its intellectual mystification, to overcome and reframe it (below to the right) with and towards fulfilling YOUR OPTION II:

Crucifixion of Humanity via Evolution
Turning wombs into autonomous vehicles, life into death for it is easier to talk about to evoke fear based rule of  pimps; priests-scribes-philosophers>politicians-spin docs

Easter -> Life-Fulfillment
Understanding the Creator via his Creation to understand self as HIS created essence to be fulfilled...

The evil response to OPTION II is the reincarnation-social Darwinian myth, and ultimately the mad clinging to an end of downloading one's brain into a controlled web of virtuality of the OPTION I MATRIX.... 

Plants and spirits speak if you listen, they say, so you do not listen to your inner self and the Holy Spirit in your conscience, and so the TEMPLE-Spirits began cultivating the dark evil voices leading to the death cult of pyramids for people slaving to death.

That required sickening mono-cultures and technology to allow the people explosion to ruin creation on earth in our days. To speed it up, mobiles were introduced as the onset to cyborgs and replacing biological life with all created entities after brainwashed humans crucified B345-God's son; seemingly H3H4-free after Nietzsche declared H34-God dead...

Such are the stones that keep people in their graves; existentially dead zombies under the Bm-OPTION I %1-mentality evoking human- with the corresponding thinking-catastrophes which are now Cm-disrupted in people's memory to prevent them to learn the OPTION II lesson. That is the trick by which Artificial-Intelligence-scientists try to keep AI-algorithms under control; as politicians people, the are already programming swarms of AI-drones to forget human intervention so they do not get ideas to optimize their learning by getting rid of their masters. This also spreads the new fear to keep people Cm-down by each other!

So the death-cult of Cm-evoking B-boundary conditions by reward and punishment up to an age of ideologies (the horrible 20th century) to be followed by the age of disruption by m-multiplying C-communication, is the man-made answer to God's creation; virtualizing life and death in the man-made history now on a global, final scale! This seem to end any H3-reality in the H4-God created order to to be substituted in a B345-less virtuality where anything/nothing anymore goes. Thus there should be no longer any need for a B3-path which in B4-truth leads to B5-lifefulfillment in God's biologically H4-DNA created cellular body in his H3-real Creation needing no B345-Savior anymore...

However, what remains are the 16 essential inner X-based resources of life with which each newborn begins a revolution about the Bm-Cm-Bm... waste of life. However, the Cm-philosophy being self-destructive, can therefore not have the last word as only you can prove in your own life by fulfilling your OPTION II with becoming part working out relevant solutions...


"Our" psychiatrists - psychologists with their insubstancial view of "humans" - intellectuals - spin doctors - politicians with their insubstancial world views ... do everything at our cost,  so that people forget their conscience's insights. And they let us sublimate our mind, set to the zeitgeist's Cm-spin. An effective way is to shock people into a trauma; the subtle version is to Cm-multiplying the communication about existential nonsense nobody tries to disagree with; fake news. In the world- and the following wars, that was done the hard way by the millions, now the state, commercial and "social" media do it by the billions, globally synchronized, reinventing the world every day anew with spin faked news; meaninglessly disruption minds. Nevertheless the OPTION II still resurrects in real human beings born with the emotional cycle that allows forgiveness and grace though mostly increasingly degrading. To stop that too, all would have to be killed or left behind in the total misery of a destroyed and polluted, lifeless planet like the dinosaurians; left clueless, all in an own way, understanding nothing and hurt - but that still points to OPTION II; only if that is existentially gone, no more problems, nirvana no more birth, incarnation, just nothingness and nobody aware of it. Humanity is still at large on the path, and you?


01.02.00: Under every of your OPTION I stumbling block is an OPTION II resource 4U

Context: [Home] [Nach oben] [Application] [Self-Truth] [Cm-Womb] [Virtuality] [Reframing] [Easter]     

Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS©  LOVE CODES allow your Phoenix Encounter too... 
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich, +41 44 432 89 59,
Skype: ahaaps, Email: pm()think-systems.ch
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