It is all about YOUR Mind Mastering Existential Love Coding Human Systems, above all your self...


OPTION I least common denominator or OPTION II - innately YOU

I am successful in life because I choose to flow. Especially when I feel fear creeping in or when my ego is telling me it should be, or ought to be a certain way. I have discovered that I am going to get through whatever it is that I'm up against because that's what happens in my life. I don't choose getting through it but I do choose HOW I get through. I can kick and scream and be upset or I can take a big breath, put on my big girl panties and walk tall with grace and poise.
What's beautiful for me is that as a result of this flow I no longer feel the need to be accepted by others because I love and accept myself. I no longer need to be taken care of because I love and take care of myself.
I'm grateful for all shit as well as the beauty because it's all an amazing gift.
The universal energy continues to give me exactly what I need to grow.

I call this OPTION II; it begins with EL-Coding as you did above; the attitude determines the thinking - doing - outcome. Hating rather than Loving Existence as an entity it is to become, e.g. in hate in favor of the "other" to be "liked", can only be self-destructive and convincing each other that this is our destiny to the END of which we should OPEN up rather than GENERATING our own life to our innate PRINCIPLE - yours as your outlined above; 4Oe - F4-managing Oe-establishing your Objectives - the best you can to for yourself AND thereby others...

Opening up for the permission, the superior order gives humans to fulfill their lives with their innate OPTION II, is what the basic motivation (such as coming from your essence) towards synergy (the purpose of my task-fulfillment) is all about. Among us that has led to the basics of EL-Coding experience beyond the EH-Coding of the now dead world we were raised in. Few people like you have realized that, while the majority still sits in the ball room of the sinking Titanic enthused by the fading away of the 8 dark inner evil voices of the passed away bronze age, still mass-attractive philosophy...

The intellectuals resort to "What is going on with my life? How can I not beat this thing?" That's when they dig into OPTION I sciences of human psychology, consciousness, and how your brain works, philosophy and paradigms, and all of that personally-neutral stuff. Some get stuck in psychoanalysis or esoteric, others become writers, HR-professional or some kind of professors or get stuck in that direction ending as some kind of addicts. The character that is cemented that way becomes a pre-trans-trap in fear of the flag one gets for OPTION II from society. That's the big issue in all decaying civilization. Thanks God, born 1944, in 1948 I put a brake to my mothers mother attempt to succumb to her under OPTION I, then already in kindergarten I was mobbed because of an OPTION II experiment, and my mother fall into my back. From 1950 onwards I identified with dealing with immutable basics up to a Ph.D. in laboratory astrophysics. And from 1979 onwards I dedicated my life to Applied Personal Science APS©, modeling the innate relationship truth of human systems up to EL-Conding at the stage of my life at 73.

A consultant, say for making money would then say, having demeaned rightly your mystified OPTION I self, that the only way you can make money is to become someone (meaning him) who makes money (like that from people like you). That's why Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage and we are merely actors." He said, "To be or not to be (someone in the OPTION I world, that is the question." What he really meant, we've kind of mixed it all up with our crazy society and everything, but what he was really trying to do back then is teach people that you aren't who you think you are (an so rather than fulfilling their OPTION II self, the read his books and go to his play so his OPTION I self becoming expands). You can be such a someone else at first may be in the hope to also get his privileges. And of course those who suggest that with their hidden agenda promise you that you can be whoever you want to be, meaning what they offer you to become if you pay for it. And then they add; you're not get stuck with who you are, and that rules out your OPTION II in which you no longer require a consultant other than its a-conscience in dealing with feedback. The OPTION I world is really a stage for you to show off  and create a more or less mass-attractive character as you want it other than fulfilling your tabooed OPTION II. It's really just like a play. The smart people write out the play for themselves and research how to do it based on their idols. You design your character, then you grow into it. Then, you live life as that. That's what people who do not do it for themselves messed it all up.

The academic community complicate it all by their generalization of ideal and idols to maintain the intellectual hierarchy; for that purpose becoming someone else than one's OPTION I prejudice is made a crime. We should think someone is something, and that's it, and pre-trans-trapped that way, divided from your OPTION II self, the higher echelon can rule the lower; the temple the palace, the palace the people. Then the question "Who am I?" is to be answered exclusively by the assigned institutions beginning with your paranets naming you. The real question, "Who am I becoming?" leading to your OPTION II is taboo under OPTION I. Please just stop a moment and think like what do you want to become, with what task-fulfillment do you really want to fulfill your life!

You can dream as high as you want, but you're not going to achieve it with your OPTION I character lacking you innate OPTION II resources of your 16 essential states of becoming>being . How you achieve your dreams is to transcend yourself and turn into a character who has not your dreams, but your understanding of your OPTION II as its standards. That's requires to hack your so far seemingly exclusive OPTION I character! Only designing the best possible OPTION II character and then 222-internalizing it makes you fir for life- through task-fulfillment. As long as you look for others, to their advice and inspirations to what you like about them to model  you remain condemned from your innate resources. Remember you were not born as an empty container simply as a battlefield for Madison Avenue marketing! Do not identify with mimicking little pieces from others; you should have outgrown that phase in year 6 and have become able to deal with hints and feedback from your OPTION II point of view of is relationship truth to fulfill them not formally, but as open-ended generative principles. The OPTION I world however still insists to evolve bronze-age Greek mythology and Shakespeare & Co. renaissance of it with their OPTION I enlightenments; taking literally, thinking catastrophes evoking the human ones we know and which are on more and more walls now globally synchronized towards the already began age of disruption, the fulfillment of OPTION I...

We now have access to all the past thoughts and theories, and all of these under OPTION I, but we can also have access to our inner OPTION II resources with their hints to the truth on our path which leads to lifefulfillment. There's no way to design a desirable character without a properly balance view at the outer and the inner options. Under OPTION I those two sources are incompatible there for you are here to break, after the outer iron curtain, your inner mental one rather than at best an opportunistic hybrid.
Admittedly you've got to learn to evolve and move with the times when it comes to using methods and tool to M-apply the available manipulation know-how. But on the other side you should qualify for your inner challenges in the 5-year cycle to have the necessary O-orientation in how to apply M as a blessing to fulfill your OPTION II rather than the curse of ending as part of the problem, unfulfilled, for

M / O = STRESS < DEATH on all level of human systems...

It's time you learn to get healed from your past trauma and outdated habits and close is by learning its lessons aiming for some 5-10% of your attention, depending your your vocation. Then you are free to grow by internalizing your solutions and make them operational for a desirable future towards LifeFulfilling Platforms. Become aware of repeating what does not work and don't become addicted towards relying of OPTION I pseudo solutions and sublimations. Also it's not about cultivating and celebrating your wins and seeing how far you've come in other-determined ways of the past or a promising future. Idolatry begins when you keep celebrating your trophies of the past, and how good you were, not needing anything more and certainly not any hint to your OPTION II like here! You've got to clear it out such sneaky OPTION I mental viruses sucking you. They suggest that's a contradiction and that life is such, e.g. substance- and thus meaningless between ignorance and arrogance; a social Darwinian tat-race for mass-attractivity just open for an unfulfilled end according to the Peter Principle. Not understood and then overcome polarities make people insane, OPTION I prone; susceptible to  popular delusions. Very often, the more people that are doing something, the more likely they end up in the wrong. Fact is humanity struggles with now massive globally synchronized delusions seemingly with no desirable future - unless a critical number of real people resort to fulfilling their OPTION II befor the point of NO return!

With the ongoing disruptions, among a lot of misunderstood selves, nobody seems to be able to get something really right across to the other selves who aren't alike, and just open for anything but substantial solutions. The was the state of Europe for the last some hundred years, the worst with the plague, when the prevention was known by few people but inhibited from implementation by the higher echelon in palaces and temples to maintain their authority and myth. The only thing under OPTION I we are still allowed to say without a shit storm, is someone's wrong when they try and say that someone else is wrong, or something is actually right! People have just got to let it be and just leave each other alone - "If these people want to become like these people, fine. Let it happen." Thus humanity decays in its synergetic organization, while rough states and criminal organization increase in sophistication, capital and resource - Kim Jong-un having a hydrogen bomb available for black mailing...

Fact is, individuals, with all the access to information are nowadays potentially quite often more likely to make a thorough analysis than a crowd because no one questions what motivates the crowd and yet the elite take them as the oracle and try to manipulate it in their favor as in the bronze-age by bribing the oracle of Delphi. They just assume this is it because it has been moving that way in known human history; madness is more common in mislead crowds than in conscious individuals stepping out of them, as did Jesus on Palm Sunday, Martin Luther in the Diet of Worms from the corrupt and decadent church, Galilee Galileo from the science spin of the Vatican in astronomy, Leonardo da Vinci from medicine based on pig butchery, Michael Gorbatchev from the cruel tradition of the "Evile Empire", YOU?... 

Every morning when you wake up, you consult your sufficient OPTION II, if you still have access to it beyond dreams, and the unavoidable OPTION I about what do do with your live. Every night before you go to bed, the consequences of the meaning you have given to your selves ring in you after another day of living your meanings, trying to become this person. Don't listen to anyone who says that you can't give more meaning to your OPTION II; they're wrong because that does not lead to a desirable life! Now you can know people are pre-trans-trapping each other because the are threatening each others comfort zone character, whenever someone tries to be someone who we're not according to the organized OPTION I prejudices. As son as someone exclaims to be threatened, that alarms the OPTION I minded almost everyone, move their defenses up. The it just need someone to point the finger at you, as Hitler did with the Jews, and your, the trouble maker become the scapegoat to be mobbed up to the cross, the gas chamber, the Gulag, getting stuffed with nerve and soul poisoning cocktails of some sort. The noisy crowed crying "Crucify him!" just want to drown out all the challenges of there OPTION II Ito be uninterrupted in their mystical OPTION I now organizes with "The self is a myth", throwing out the baby with the information flood. If it wouldn't have such disastrous increasingly even short-term consequences, the resulting "circus" would almost be fun and game.



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00.11.02: The future is determined by coding human relationship with OPTION II


Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS©  LOVE CODES allow your Phoenix Encounter too... 
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich, +41 44 432 89 59,
Skype: ahaaps, Email: pm()
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