I have learned that not everything can or should be challenged to
allow M-manipulation. There are not only
personal-neutral and
personally-relevant principles that need to be understood up
to gaining a relevant O-orientation to be respected and
worked with. Going along with now knowing that
allowed my vocation for life- through
task-fulfillment as my OPTION II.
- I began to
understand my options to getting the former result more and
more in eustress,
- congruent to my X-real self, as well as the
- tempting options with
distressing consequences I don't want and also
- how and why I have been falling for
them up to how to overcome that
self-destructive OPTION I.
That awakened my innate interest and
orientation toward what allows
synergy in me, with others, and how more people can awaken to
allow synergy among themselves to
fulfill their OPTION II; beyond the
point of NO return from the otherwise
prevailing OPTION I.
In the stone-age mentality of merely
materialistically X-becoming>being with p-perception, t-thinking,
and v-valuing, "History has taught us that
there is evil!", said
Nadella, Microsoft CEO to Andrew Hill, management editor Financial Times
cautiously (§1§0§2B5) on Friday Oct. 13 2017.“And our history has also taught
us that evil doesn’t prevail, but does a
lot of damage..."
depending how many people have fallen for it” In his
introduction Andrew Hill's reference to the age of disruption
we are in, as he suggests as an already matter of course, he reckons
consequent comebacksare rare evenafter
a reframing of otherwise
relationships [Facebook - disruptive Cyber
warfare by Russian Trolls] into thriving ones again. Such turnarounds are
still tried with some relevant new
management hype such as
crucial conversations. Should
we just wait for a desirable turnaround,
optimistically for
collective actions, like Al Gore, the champion of the fight against
global warming with his inconvenient truth about the
side-effects of technological advances? How about the
globally now synchronized mental warming of the prevailing OPTION I thinking catastrophes
of the ongoing rat race for
mass-attractivity in business as
usual, with countless phoney
what results you get with engineers managed by bosses with phoney
bronze-age philosophies, wrapped
in their f-feelings in the
c-profiled spin
of the zeitgeist, J-justifying
their a-conscience
to get a b-balance
in their favor;
the result will be, now globally scaled-up, Titanic catastrophes such
as the Challenger Disaster, Chernobyl or the multiple GAU at
Fukushima, and more and more natural disasters, let alone what
politics evokes under its
OPTION I exclusive paradigm based on the
bronze-age wordy philosophy! Take Satya Nadella with
his X-inner 4Pm-becoming>being 's
urge for a B2-breakthrough with
a M-maximal perspective for a comeback
in regard to Microsoft's
need to compete
vigorously on top, even in the midst adversity of the challenges by Apple,
Google, Amazon & Co.! Based on the ZG-zeitgeist, Nadella had
to learn to put J-selfish success beneath considering others allowing
forgiveness and
innovation, to catch up with competitors. He now advocates
attention to empathetic
leadership and thus putting his team first -
Donald Trump did with his presidential election slogan of putting America
first. Previously Bill Gates was driven by
the very tangible goal of putting a personal
computer on every desk and in every home to succeed with as
founder-based strong, vigorously competitive leadership.
My mission
for the rest of my life, is to do what it take to put
an app on every mobile about how to
give meaning to the possible thriving relationships between
two partners;
with its relevant
Love Code towards
synergy, versus the default
way unavoidable to relate successfully under
the ZG- spell of OPTION
Sufficient mutual understanding
usually, if not by design like here, begins with the
awareness when
crucial conversation in terms of
supporting and challenging
each other in existentially loving just
matter of course ways, begins to fail. Then it the time
before the point of NO return, to sufficiently relating to the
H3-reality as the
necessary motivation with the genuine joygainedout of harmony between the outer,
physically tangible, content-free#1
world, referred to in personally
neutral#2 (prevailing content)
wordy ways, and the inner personally
relevant#3substantially challenging relationships. In the
cradle of OPTION II joy, rather then
in OPTION I wordy coffins, transcending
beyond falling
into the trap of insubstancial virtual art#0
(formal formatting, patterns, events) beginning to hate some
existing entities up to that
one's self and that of the partner as a disturbance (preceding
%1-political correctness) of your
comfort zone (trap).
When crucial conversations fail, that
shows when one of the partners
closes up in silence, or bursts out in violence,
often simply
more challenged by trans
than by pre, mentally turning into a
lowering the comfort zone until it collapses. Watch
Nadella's quest to find his joyful f-feelingabout finding his available E-energy in all the M-matter he has to
care for, as his radar, which zooms into his focus in his present living space for having the
desired global impact, and how he refers to
limiting his X-self from
pre-primitive games and
in terms of his goal seemingly irrelevant
such as mine here.
On this site as in my life, my joy lies in
the globally pressing problem of bringing the still
loving, beyond
the EH-Coding of consciously or unconsciously (by
the wordy dynamic of personally neutral,
intellectually, denotational common language) hateful relationships.
I am working to get
understanding above self-destructive
social Darwinism,
trusting that in the T-time I still have, I
will get the S-space to implement what I have made conceptually
possible since 1979, the EL-Coding of
human systems including their
non-essential states, which in the absence of
beginning with insisting on the permanently self-destructive
EH-Coding in the still bronze-age
wordy terms of philosophy...
§3-Integrity is the bottom
line of suffering
in the EH-Coded OPTION I world, which in
principle denies you any relevant X-substance
(such as Nadella to F4-manage
Processes to
multiply his
substantial OPTION II so that he can put his
team with its OPTION I dynamic,
in his
to get cooperation
first). Turning such a trait which has to do with
integrity into a prejudices such as
OPTION I science organizes dismissing
any whole, will eventually inhibit any
innately personally relevant#3 OPTION II of
life- through task-fulfillment. Thus Nadella is
made to appear needy
in the zeitgeist; in its service Andrew Hill framed the interview correspondingly a long the line of the
Financial Times, with its
sole purpose of keeping OPTION I on top of
any upstart OPTION II!
Profession and
image over
vocation and becoming>being with all due attention
and empathy for the resulting kind of human detriment
with this thinking catastrophe.
And the interviewee Nadella goes along with that format, in fear of
not unduly
disturbing the
And here I am, tagged "Dr. Peter Meier", actually becoming>being 9Pp, here
p-preparing the initiating the P-process towards the
of Explorers
of how to implement
Existential Love
Codes in relationships
So after becoming>being prepared with one's
personal H3-joy and §3-suffering,
existentially the
time comes for a last chance between the age of 60-65, to H4-relate to the relevant substance
with or without
opinions, as the
bottom line for synergy just as physics
is in
technology. Nadella's 4Pm inner H4-resource is
!-getting essentially to the point. Since after Bill Gates' “Founder-led"
competitive, tough
leadership, hardly anyone, except perhaps in North Korea, can imagine
the top-down world we knew up to Nov. 24,
2016 to go
on, now disruption is in. The
bronze-age philosophy that has led to the rat race for
finally collapsed under its
cancerous OPTION
I complexity. That way of
intellectually reacting, now actually
pushes the
world into disruptive times, is still driven by the
elite with its
divide and rule strategy,
closed in upon itself, combative, not listening,
only reacting, without
soul and conscience with just the
8 inessential states of becoming>being limits people, to the lower rung
under on the intellectual
chicken ladder(4 rungs for
each of the top temple,
the ruling palace, and beneath, the
ruled people). In this
archaic hierarchy, the elite instrumentalizes
and the marketing customers and their needs,
only thinking in temple-terms (art, spin doctors) of
what is in for the system,
its stakeholders and its
elite. But that way, at the end of the day,
there will be less and less customers,
and nobody with any responsible function
which trusts such a detached
elite so
distanced from real life, except...
trust is the only currency in
truly worthwhile
relationships. Thus from that point of view the still
prevailing OPTION I world, urgently needs a
bottom-up OPTION II approach suggesting and listening in both directions, with
the inner OPTION II 16 essential resources. Instead of going
along with the mainstream behind a
fig leaf/image, each human becoming>being should learn
the joy of becoming>being comfortable with his or her innate OPTION II,
towards his or her life-through task-fulfillment.
Since each and everyone of us has been created in essence as
meaning giving becoming>being life is
personally relevant not along some
hype, but towards the
fulfillment with one another in
synergy. Then
nobody needs a mindset which strives only to the top of
closed seemingly know-it-all cultures with merely
a bronze-age growth
mindset, at any price! We
rather need to learn from kindergarten onwards to open up for
understanding each other's OPTION II in our
with joy. Then and only
this way, Existentially Love Coded relationships can be the basis
for not just a more collaborative
culture, but for lifefulfillment enhancing
synergy, without which humanity's life decays
as a global
cancer; irrelevant in terms of evolution in its
unfulfilled. Only beyond that doom can we let
go of lengthy personal battles, and
instead focus on a
harmonious inner
relationship to H3-reality
with joy as a necessary onset to understand how to
L3-reframe the world from and
towards truly Life-fulfilling Platforms
on which we are meant to
be, rather than in man-made
We can still get where we are meant to be, if we give sufficient meaning
to the
long-term consequences of our essential decisions. Then we can
also solve
the growing technology debate about the disconnect on
and between all levels of society evoked
by the precursor, the intellectual
disruptive nihilistical spin of the
"leading science", philosophy. As
above so below, Big Tech and its users are in danger of disconnecting over the
fears of the latter among others about data privacy, security, the
rise of robots and the decline of their own job prospects.
The elite with their bronze-age, wordy
thus phoney philosophies still keeps people
in the stone-age mindset.
Therefore they still spread their thinking-catastrophes that still give rise to
catastrophes. Since people, except in North Korea,
China and Russia, who have free access to the internet,
can be better informed, more and more
begin to turn away from
this decaying and thus disruptive world. To counteract that devil's
circle requires techno-optimists
like Nadella, wrapped in the nice-sounding spin of the
intellectual trend speakers and the one
side, to give us more time and possibilities. But that only
makes sense, if more people like me dare to
address the bottom line challenge of overcoming
with OPTION II; bottom-up! If, however, the elite invests
more and more in ways to cover up that
their intellectual Artificial Intelligence has already
framed most people’s heads,
rather than allowing more lifefulfilling jobs,
the make themselves as
part of the problem, obsolete! It is not sufficient, that
they appeal to our most human traits,
as long as they are still framed under
OPTION I; that just speeds up progressing to the abyss and a step further! Only
OPTION II prevents
real human becoming>being s to just go along with the
ZG-zeitgeist, as
they did among others, almost all people
in the 3rd Reich and in the "Evil Empire" of the Soviet Union
with all that entailed!
Empathic people like professionalMicrosoft's CEO Nadella
now dream of a comeback out of the
age of disruption with that generally nice sounding attitude.
However, they need to understand,
that this is only possible with and in Existentially
Love Coded relationships, to them-X-selves, their
body, H3-reality; that of
nature and fellow
becoming>being s, with and towards fulfilling
their OPTION II! Truly evil
people in OPTION I organizations
cause great trouble, pain and suffering by
pre-trans-trapping that possibility,
washing their hands in innocence while hanging onto a golden parachute. The
point of NO return from man-made
self-destructive systems is clearly in sight, now
beginning to disrupt the world we have know, at the
abyss of the collapse of the intellectual world.
So let's examine the options between me, Peter
Meier (9Pp) with R-joy (solution-oriented),
Nadella (4Pm) with f-joy (feeling
for his space to get somewhere)
and the
USA with the
mentality, which in its Cw is
working out, since WWII, the global Communication
with S-joy (easy going -
American Dream). In the USA-SN relationship,
SN's attempt
toEH-Code it
with p!; p-perceiving
what is !-essential for
business and system
power, is bound
to fail
in the USA's
h-context.However, if
SN finds his way by
f-feel what is !-essential for
and with his USA-team, and with supporting Microsoft' partners
to the service of customers, then Nadella can create an
emotional atmosphere
in a J-justifyabele way,
open for synergy among them for another coming out big on top of
Microsoft, above all in the USA.
With other mentalities, a
different ELC applies, such as
with PM, and the same, with the Israel's
9Pp-mentality. With the attitude coded with R-solution orientated p-perception
resulting in synergy about each others J-self-justification
(meeting with me, and in Israel, having research and marketing facilities), provides a cradle for
synergy. The table to the left, ordered along "§1...L3", the ethical
scale, is relevant for the
5-year cycle in which OPTION II develops. Thus,
SN becoming>being till March 3 2018 in his
65th year; in the 5th year of the H4-life cycle with
his !-state of becoming>being , Nadella
has been challenged
since 2013 from within, to become !-essential about relating to
the relevant
H4-substance for his lifefulfillment.
He is now
in the transition year to experience what a-consciously L1-loving engagement
will challenge him
beyond OPTION I.
And that, at 65 just when people are often pensioned off to inhibit
any OPTION II transfer to the
next generation,
beyond the OPTION I
ZG-zeitgeist, now left to the internet
The following table is relevant under OPTION I:
It is sorted a long
the 4 states of becoming>being of the stone age
(M-matter in S-space) mentality of people as
X-mere economic units
with spin prone
p-perception, rationally limited
t-thinking and lacking self-controlling
v-values (according to
H. Thaler for which he got the
Nobel prize 2017). Then come the 5 states
of bronze age philosophy into which
Andrew Hill
lured SN right from the
beginning (f-feeling
the lunch atmosphere,
c-profiling the ZG-Zeitgeist with its challenge
to the top'
J-self-justification in in one's business, for it required
pre-trans-trap one's a-conscience
towards successfully b-balanced agreements...).
- Stone Age minded people
(21.5% relate to
H3-reality that
way) have and make
no E-energy
available to rearrange their M-matter in a S-relaxing space
beyond their physical necessity; their pyramids are built for
eternity, they pre-trans-trapped the know prevention of the plague
for about 100 years; the worst with it, e.g. they make
problem grow symptoms beyond the point of no return - their
debris are all over the place, on the ground (rubbish and ruins),
in the water (plastic) and the air (posion)...
- Bronze Age philosophized people (28.5% relate to
that way; SN with a f-feeling
for what Microsoft need for a comeback under OPTION I)have noT-time to understand what is
beyond their M-S-E business. Now at the leading edge, they
compete with pre-trans-trapping OPTION
II by cultivating
embellishing the increasing problems (the
world is better than its reputation). They call the unresolved
problems complexity. They dream of the age of disruptionin the empty hope for the phoenix of their
phoney philosophies to rise out
of its ashes, full of opportunity. Detached, from the
consequences of pursuing their hidden agendas,
and from the H3-reality,
in themselves without
conscience about their inner live,
having it sacrificed to OPTION I success-based
freedom, they become joyless
under the spell of their wordy ideologies,
management hypes [YouTube Video about crucial
conversation]. To cover it up, they get
wrapped into their own spin/fig leaf
as UniqueSellingPoint
of this kind of core less
competence, sublimating who they
X-innately truly are...
=> watch where and why you get stuck
reading this page and the evil 50% alliance of the
28.5% bronze age
H3-objective intellectually
indoctrinated, instrumentalizing
the 21.5% materialistic minded, to pre-trans-trap the
50% time-aware ones about
reality and the decay of everything
So what remains beyond the "Xp...ab"
evolution of OPTION I,
are the remaining 7 states of becoming>being (50%of all people relate to
with them with some T-time
awareness, me with R modeling OPTION II-fulfillment,
the USA,
S-relaxingpeople to direct the
OPTION I ZG-evolution), the
trans-corner stones which are
pre-trans-trapped as the stepping stones
under OPTION I. Only if SNS-relaxes into
his §3-integrity,
does he get access to his substantial
M-maximal perspective for a
in his present 13th life phase challenge to become
!-essential about the relevant
substance towards opening up
his mind I-conceptually
in the B1-belief
that there are relevant
relationship truths
which allow R-resolutions
towards a successful focus on the y-bottle
neck necessity, which when resolved, allow the desired
B3-path towards
contributing to the
sustainably desirable h-living space
for humanity - as CEO of Microsoft and beyond...