the www.Cm-Womb
as a soul sucking MATRIX
How do you go from knowing nothing but opinions, even
about your own life- through task-fulfillment
privately and in business, to understanding
how to become part of a worthwhile solution? Learning this
opens your path that has been obscured
by the prevailing OPTION I world, to maintain itself at the
cost of your OPTION II. My sites are
divided between modeling the consequences of those two
options; the former points towards mass-attractivity,
to end up frustrated about blind-belief, the latter to
understanding your OPTION II as the
precondition to understanding that of your
closest people too, towards synergy. Meanwhile the
intellectual world
got a bad reputation, for good reasons after its death on Nov. 24,
2016, and because it has made most people believe that there
is no worthwhile OPTION II for them.
But still hardly anybody dares point out the solution, so
this site is met with
extreme criticism and skepticism; I am seen as
inferior with my breakthrough science,
and this inhibits disbelievers a path with some meaning with anybody
else. That is why it is time to understand
life as personal relevant beyond the
5 devilish circles in our
Age of Disruption:
The basic fact of human life is that
each of us is developed via four
wombs; normally the
1st womb works via the father's insemination, through the one sperm among millions of competitors that succeeds
in outrunning the others to
fertilize the mother's ovum. Whoever considers himself the same like
others is ignorant and grows insubstancial as a Cm-clone. Whoever
considers him- or herself "more equal" than the equals, grows
arrogant, possibly into the Cm-elite. For "your" sperm to be
successful was the biggest "sperma mind" success.
It began with the creation of life, the formation of the DNA by
which "your" sperm was created to be successful. Then you grew
in the
womb, that of your mother until the labor pain
indicated its
unconditional care was completed. Your success beginning with that
biological, natural process was the
onset to your psychological development
with your family and social OPTION I mind
your family and social life as a human
being. With it you are now engulfed in your
3rd womb, that of the
world under OPTION I with all its ways in which you have learnt to try
to be heard
via multiplying your Communication to the highest
possible state of L3-reframing your
mind to fulfill your OPTION II and your world, to
meet your more or less conscious and
legitimate requirements. However, the
associated labor pain by the friction with others in lacking
mutual undertanding, urges people under
OPTION I to gain some mass-attractivity
to outsmart them in view of the others.
This way, in your soul's capability, you experience your inner self in the
4th womb,
which you are going
to outgrow at the end of your life; your own mind and physical body and all of your world associated with
it. Trying to cope with all this, people naturally
1) hit situations they cannot handle by
themselves, not even with those in their circle, or they
2) want and/or need to master something more efficiently,
faster, stronger and more globally, and
3) then need a reliable systems
beyond their own pragmatic reactions and know-how to remain on top.
This requires varies consultants with a relevant know-how,
skills, and access to relevant help.
OPTION I consultants, often refer to
opinions leaders which make people go along to converge to their
dead end, formal 5-3-7-8-4Cm-world. Then the all pre-trans-trap
substantial Cm-communication into
convincing ?0-illusions, suppressing substantial responses, so the
elite' spin is
unchallenged in their target group. In
the seemingly impressive 5-3-7-8-4Cm
"perpetual mobile",
which in fact are driven by burning out people's soul and substance.
Then the 1Cm-spin doctors can be
persuasive beyond their hidden agendas
(indicated by them not listening to real people),
themselves impotent to deal with the consequences of what they evoke having paid with
their soul for their social success like Goethe's Dr. Faust.
To legitimize their authority they give priority to convincing
speakers and their
peers; read their biographies, and
mimic them rather than
studying the
matter they pretend to be responsible for and the people concerned. Covetous
priests refer to their man-made "God", elites to their peers,
politicians to their legitimating
crowd to get their vote, using 1Cm-spin,
break out with "anything goes"
in the 1Cm trendy marketing.
An example of such a case was
Robert Grimm,
whom the Swiss opposition leader Christoph Blocher 2018 diligently referenced, based on historical facts.
To position himself more relevant, Blocher showed how Grimm made his politics
Grimm, actually a
blind-believing communist, pretending to be a socialist, was born
in 1881 in the Zürich Highlands, where I come from. He was
instrumental in enabling the
frustrated Lenin to go to Russia in 1917 to stir
justified critique
to the point of
anarchy. Among communists that is seen as the precondition to actually carrying out their
revolution; now to solve problems, but to gain dictatorial power. Up to 1989,
that cost more than 100 million lives under the Soviet Evil
Empire! The right-wing Blocher praise the left-wing Grimm as
intelligent and a gifted speaker, however with the wrong attitude. In fact
Grimm was an opportunistic
communist agitator who, when he failed to ruin Switzerland, as
his friend Lenin did with Russia, made a political career in his
own party, in the Bernese government and the Swiss parliament, where
he even became its
president, the highest political position in Switzerland.
Meanwhile Grimm's socialist career model has become
the role model for intellectuals and socialists in
Switzerland! When their thinking catastrophes can no longer
produce sufficient anarchy for a
successful revolution with their
thinking catastrophes, from 1968 onwards, they have marched through the
institutions to establish their OPTION
I dictatorship. In Lenin's day that was driven
by the revolting masses with a bloody death toll, now by the
Cm-social media. Revolution no longer need useful idiots who risk their
lives in marching towards anarchy, but who simply sell their souls for a social position by
copy-pasting the zeitgeist, defaulting without conscience, like
parrots, with socio-emotional intelligence. So much to where the Cm-interactions (the arrows in the
picture above) converge to 5-3-7-8-4Cm, to the five powers
The spin for the 1.2 billion
Swiss Francs of enforced contribution from every household and
business to the state radio/television
is that they Cm-multiply the factual,
balanced, free opinions
- of course under the OPTION I
zeitgeist! For them there
is no other responsibility imaginable and tolerated.
Here are the consequences of
the imposed Cm-world of formatting people's mind: What I
reveal here is not for you, if you just want to become better at
being mass-attractive
under OPTION I!
Here is how our Cm-obsessed
society demeans older people to
inhibit any OPTION II transfer between
the generations with the corresponding
existentially stagnating world under
OPTION I, now at the abyss of self-destruction
- criminality and more or less legal suicide among older
people is on the rise. White American male account for 1/3 of the
population but 2/3 of the suicides. The young people
engulfed in the evolving
social media spin
about self-determination, can no
longer catch up fulfilling anything and
lack a perspective other than
projecting their personality via
Cm-style. Thus death has become more
meaning than birth, because the latter
is always an onset for a revolution
which allows the business of suppressing it in more and more
sophisticated ways via
philosophy>psycho-politics-marketing psychchiatry. And
here is the basics of the
global Cm-EH-Coded
the Cm-world
disrupts by shrinking people to their
pre-trans-trapping people's options; the more they mature
naturally with age, as depicted to the left in 16 five-year cycles.
Why do you think people pay more for their rent as they get older
- so that managers have a reason to get rid of them? That is why humanity so
far hardly L3-reframes their
OPTION I thinking catastrophes if
at all, before the point of NO return from human catastrophes with L2-timely exchange of
project-oriented competence. The
people of the OPTION I lie wait await death under the severe
castration curve to the left; afraid of the management by
champignon (whoever raises the head about the curve, has it chopped
off). Intellectuals call this
"old-aged, humble wisdom". In the end they are all forced by the evoked human catastrophes,
e.g. Europe allowed some 100 year
of the plague after the cause and cure was discovered. In short
the Cm-world
is self-destructive, a formally, in the zeitgeist, closed upon
itself trap
by the prevailing, wordy sperm mind cultivated by the "humanities", grounded in
antique philosophy,
which focuses on fighting what challenges it transcendence.
Typically when Jesus challenged the scribes, they were much more
afraid than what preceded their cult (the
small criminal, usually crucified was pardoned and Jesus crucified).
This way the big perpetrators of
lifefulfillment like Grimm, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler & Co., get
away, get attention
and rise in the system, are praised by their followers, in their
books seemingly forever, even on the other side of the political
spectrum. Those billygoats made gardeners, are enforcing the
above curve, the MATRIX
to castrate people's substance as modeled above
realistically based on the relationship truths
about human systems with the so far "forbidden"
Applied Personal Science
APS©. That happened physically in the witch's house
before "Hänsel and Gretel",
in the Soviet Gulags and Nazi concentration camps, throughout most
of human history. The #MeToo outcry of misused women against
mighty men, whose time has actually ended with the collapse
of their intellectual framework on Nov. 24, 2016 unless they
command atom bombs, has meanwhile mutated as as smoke screen for "Oprah
for President" for another evolutionary step in the Cm-world.
My sites are about
under OPTION I. So
this is none of your business under OPTION I, is no subject for
OPTION I science, and accordingly in nobody's
soulless interest but in those still ware
of their OPTION II. Among the scribes
I am seen as indeed under OPTION I, inferior
beyond any of my scientific B2-breakthroughs, as all
real human beings are framed as
some kind of prejudiced nobody. And even if something like an
essential self
may exist, it is proclaimed to be beyond anybody's
understanding, which indeed it is for
people condemned to denotational wordy
language beyond the point of NO return
à Luther's Reformation with its now disrupted keywords
detached from what they once pointed to. To this effect the prevailing Cm-voices
makes people leave
the ruling elite alone with their
thinking catastrophes and rather revolt against each other.
So here I present the model of the system
which, properly parameterized, (which
is what APS is all about) works for you
too in your whole live, like the
laws of nature work in the universe in time and space,
irrelevant who believes in it; however the way you give meaning
to your options, basically just OPTION I and II determines the consequences!
Scribes of all countries, philosophers,
Marx & Co. could and still can only envisage systems that do
not work by themselves, but by the belief
their spin about them evokes. This is leaving the
Pandora box open for thinking catastrophes, above all
framed by philosophies, ideologies, spin etc., as they
were Cm-multiplied over the ages so far. They have left most people's
OPTION II, their innate substance/potential
pre-trans-trapped as if we were all just "humans" rather than
who each of us is here for, with an inner DNA - essential X-being
with its system, framework, structure as can be modeled by APS; your the only
one, that you can fulfill:
good worker works with the tools fit for the intended work, not
with the believe in nice looking
gadgets; that is what tinkerers, magicians and
cheats do. In the old days the hairdressers did the job of
pulling teeth with ordinary, dirty pliers. An evolution
forced by mutations (*3-ego,
?0-illusion, +2
greed, -4 fear, %1-adapting to others,
%5- manipulating them power greedy, %6-projecting
a spin
to instrumentalizing them -
the 8 dark inner evil voices of OPTION I)
ends in the selection of an
unfulfilled life in one of
the 5 hell holes:
In fact most people normally get some warrantee for a limited time of
getting attention in the Cm-world. This creates the
?0-illusion of getting away without
OPTION II, just to get stuck in one of
the 5 traps (to the core of the Cm-world in the above picture to
the right) converging to the
frustration about
failures with
disappointing blind
paradise lost leads to
the frustration of
insubstancial hell
blind belief, seeming
<<<<<<<<<<<< "heavens"
nirvana of nothingness |
My warrantee is
B2*S45/23, e.g.
it terminated when I was at the age of 30 after I had my
B2-breakthrough in laboratory
astrophysics in 1973. That was the last time I was
recognized in the OPTION I
world; with a Ph.D., though not from my own country, but from the Australian National University in Canberra.
From then on, I could no longer surf in the zeitgeist other
than riding down to meaninglessness on the above curve form
100% to 0% for L2-L3. Fully realizing that in 1979, I had to find
my own counsel realizing more and more painfully, that the
Cm-MATRIX is no longer relevant for my lifefulfillment. Also people
engulfed in it were no
longer interested in my insights and operational output! Actually I experienced my
"social" labor pains in this 3rd
womb more and more challenging my
OPTION II; once "dear" people just made me feel unwelcome
in fear they had to carry their cross too like me in following my OPTION II!
However, my
B3-path, which, with or without their painful or seemingly loving
?0/Cm-opinions, when followed
in B4-truth, really leads to my
through personally relevant task-fulfillment.
it is all about becoming
open for understanding the
relevant relationship truths (those which lead to
life on one's path )
2) simulating it with
appropriate oegp-models
and humility rather than intellectual arrogance in
ignorance to the
end of the consequences, in
relation to self and a sufficient number of others
(as every pilot needs to do to be qualified); your opinions
do not qualify to fulfill your OPTION II,
only to betray
your created self like
Peter, Jesus, when the rooster cried three times Verses 34, 69)
3) until one has the confidence
to face the 3rd womb;
one's fulfillment in facing the world
4) with the
of one's inner system with one's OPTION II.
On the other hand, those
pre-trans-trappers, useful idiots of the zeitgeist,
errands, including, often above all so-called
Christians pretending to follow "Jesus", lacking the
of what it means that
he defined himself as the
Thank God, the latter,
B3-path, which in my experienced
B4-truth, leads to my fulfilling
my B5-life prevailed in my experience (with
my soul's capability) beyond that of the insubstancial
Cm-opinions in the vain search of
in the limelight
under OPTION I! The above result of my research with
Applied Personal Science
APS©, which I founded in 1979, is
sufficiently based on thousands of studies experienced with real people und collective mentalities, and is now worked
out as an operational app. All this allowed me to let go
of my
?0-temptation to
get stuck in
2Cm-blaming those under OPTION I for my 3Cm-frustration about the disrupted
4Cm-B2-breaking out of OPTION I in a
S-relaxing way. Of course it is sad to see those who
pretend to not understand and
rather default, remain as
parrots even zombies in the Cm-world with opinions about
opinions even after the 3rd womb whose time had historically
run out Nov. 24, 2016! Compromising with them as they suggest,
even coerce me, I would also be left to sublimate
my OPTION I failures in 5Cm-blind
trust, and that would leave me frustrated about those "others"
defaulting to OPTION I, and detest,
even fear,
synergy with me...
Cm-dynamic is now reflected above all in Facebook and
other "social" media operated by "well-meaning" people following
mass-attractivity as the
'sheople' of some kind of wordy
ideology such as the people of the essential lie of "socialism", "liberalism",
"atheism", gender madness, virtuality, "anything goes", pseudo-science,
now quantum entanglement, social Darwinism, materialism, with idols
and other word idolatry. Above all Switzerland has perfected the
Cm-world in the name of direct demo-cracy now causing
unrest about the role of the state
media politics,
degrading people's mental state as outlined in the above mentioned
study. Consequently, the Swiss state media
ARENA moderator Jonas Projer marked a link to this site as
That is how the crucifixion, the inquisition, the holocaust, Maos'
cultural revolution, world wars, ecological ignorance etc., began in
one of the above 5 devil's circles...
Humanity should not get stuck still born in the 4th womb
and destroy itself!